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I finally was out of the brace. And could compete after a month and a half. "YES" I shouted as I walked out of the doctors office.
"The brace is off can I compete now?" I said to Rhea
"Yes you can love" said Rhea in a playful tone with a smile on her face
"I can get back in the ring" I said happy
she was happy she could get back in the ring I couldn't help but to smile at her happiness. "Hey (y/n)" I hear her mom say as she walked into the locker room.
"What's up momma" said (y/n)
"Can I talk to Rhea for a minute" asked her mom
"Yeah" I said as (y/n) walked out of the room
"Do you know what her ex did to her?" Said her mom
"I dont want to all I know is that he hurt her and if i know anymore than that I'll kill him" I said angrily
"Ok Rhea as long as you know that much" said her mom
I walk back in to the locker room singing along to the (y/f/s) (YOUR FAVORITE SONG) tonight is the night I get back into the ring and I am going to face Jessamyn  witch is going g to be fun because I've never faced her before.

Rhea Ripley x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now