After that night James called nearby packs to plan out his visits. He was gone for most of the days but the rest of his pack had his back including me.

After one week I heard rumors he was coming back with a few extra people. I knew that had to mean good news, that he found his mate. I joined the others around the lake waiting all wanting to see a glimpse of their Luna.

After many long moments I finally hear cheers and applause but I'm too far back in the crowd to see anything. I decide to just stay back and will eventually see them during their official mating ceremony.

I return back to my routine I have created here. I stop by the small orphanage and play with the few kids that live here. Eventually more people come by and talk about the new Luna, Ariel. I knew an Ariel from my original pack under Alpha Sam. She was Liam's little sister but she didn't train a lot and never traveled outside of the pack with us. 

I decided to go to the pack house next to hear more of the gossip.  Several people confirmed that it was the same Ariel I grew up around. I started to wonder if Liam joined her here which made me excited to see an old friend.

I walk with a little enthusiasm to James' house which I haven't felt in sometime.  There was still a crowd around James when I got back but I did see Liam nearby, not surprised that he wanted to look after his sister even once she found her mate. 

He spots me in the small crowd and runs up to me for a hug.

"I can't your sister is James' mate" I say while Liam let's go of me.

"Tell me about it. The age difference bothers me but he is a good guy"

We spend a few minutes catching up before he drops a bomb into the quiet life I just started for myself.

"I heard someone's been looking for you. An Alpha"

My eyes widen but I don't say a word. I can't.

"James seems to have protect you here since he's still looking. But he's even mad threats to Sam thinking he knows where you are. I think he's gone a little mad" he states with a little laugh at the end.

"Threats?" I whisper

"Ya it's been going on for over a week so not sure how long he will keep it up"

My mind wouldn't stop turning after that conversation.  Why is he threatening other Alphas for my location? He knew where I was for days and didn't do anything about it.

I look back to see how happy James and Ariel looked.  Adrian deserved to be that happy. I thought I let him go to be happy but I was willing to see him again if that would help him let go.  I guess I was all about giving out closure        

I went back to my room and turned on my phone. I unblocked his number and dialed it before I changed my mind.

"Rylee" he said almost in shock

"Adrian" I responded instantly

"Where are you Rylee. I need to see you. Please"

"Why are you searching for me?"  I ask quietly, almost afraid

"Rylee I need to see you. I'll come to you. Please just tell me where you are"

"I'll come visit you" I finally said, knowing I would have an advantage going to him so I could plan an escape

"How soon can you get here?" It sounded like he said that with a smile.

"Probably tomorrow"

"I can pick you up" He tried to push again but I turned him down. I needed some control for this one. I didn't know what I was going to walk into.

The next day I asked Liam to help with travel plans. Thankfully he didn't mind traveling to Adrian's pack since he had some friends to catch up with.  I always did like how easy going Liam was. 

We spent house driving and goofing around just like we always have been. Of course he asked about Scarlet which he has always crushed on but I reassured him his mate will be just as lucky. I couldn't be the only one the moon goddess but a curse on.

We entered into the pack with familiar faces and drove straight to the pack house. I jump out giving Liam a hug knowing we would be going separate ways again.

As soon as we step back I heard a low grow behind me.

"Oh shit. I think he has lost his mind" Liam teases me and then walks away knowing there would be trouble

I turn around and see Adrian standing there as handsome as ever but with a murderous stance. I take a deep breathe and walk towards him, slowly letting his stare take me back to bliss.

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