I fell in love with my teacher [Love Story] Chapter 31

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Sorry this is so late I was just really busy and i couldn't be bothered :B + I didnt proof read either.

I don't deserve your votes but i'm going to tell you to anyway!

<< << so... VOTE FOR 2011!

Happy new year:)

Chapter 31


I was about two minutes away from when my cab would pull into the driveway that lead up to the school. I had been away from school for about a week and a half due to the death of my Mum and Brother. Earlier that week the funeral took place, Dad and I along with other family and friends attended. It was the first time in my life I had actually seen Dad cry and I had to admit I was a little scared when I thought about going back to school and leaving him in the house all alone. When I talked to him about it he assured me that he’d be alright by himself and said that I should go back to school because when he had visited he had seen how much I liked it, which was true.

I hadn’t talked to anyone from school for over a week. I got messages from Rachel asking how I was and that everyone missed me and hoped I’d be back soon, I didn’t reply to any. I wanted to, I really did but at the time I had no idea how I was or when I was coming back. To my surprise I had actually received a few from Mr Easton. I couldn’t bring myself to reply to them either.

I was frustrated with everything in my life right now and I felt all messed up. I couldn’t think straight and whenever I tried I could only ever think of old memories from when I was little, with the whole family, together. I knew I’d eventually accept their deaths and move on but I figured it wouldn’t be soon at all.

A pothole in the schools driveway that rocked the cab snapped me out of my thoughts and back into reality. My familiar school stretched out in front of me looking the same as when I had left. All I could remember from the day I left was Mr Easton waking me up in the cabin and telling me that I had a flight that day to Queensland.  I hardly spoke a word to him that day and I had felt bad ever since, I didn’t even give him a proper goodbye, it was more like a nod of some sort that signalled a goodbye. Not to mention I hadn’t been answering his texts—would he be angry? Or upset? Or even worried?

“You alright?” The cab driver asked looking at me in the rear view mirror.

Nope. I thought.

“Fine, Thanks.” I said forcing a smile to my face as I opened the door. I payed him the fare and retrieved my bag from the boot of the car and then watched him drive away. I turned to face the school and began to slowly walk toward the office.

The office lady at the desk gave me a small smile and welcomed me back before asking if I was okay or if I needed anything.

I forced another smile. “I’m fine, and no I don’t need anything, thanks anyway.”

She nodded her head as I bent down to grab my bag I had dropped at my feet while ‘signing’ back into school. She obviously knew what had happened and it didn’t surprise me. Everyone probably knew by now.

I sucked in a breath and opened the door that lead to the spacious quad. It was about 9 o’clock on Monday morning and pretty much everyone was in class which was a good thing. I didn’t feel like facing anyone yet even though I knew I had to sooner or later. A few people on the far side of the quad were sitting outside the classrooms, I couldn’t be too sure, but from where I stood I could have sworn they were looking at me. I picked up my pace and soon arrived at the dorms.

I fell in love with my teacher [Love Story] Where stories live. Discover now