Chapter XVII (Finale): Torn Rose

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*Y/N's POV*

It was a few days after I got to know I'll be living in Ruby's house... her family's I mean... my parents agreed to it, we didn't talk much since I got to know them but they were supportive...

I was laying in the infirmary still because doctors found that my stomach was damaged... I puked... even blood sometimes... they made a surgery... and it... didn't go as well as they thought it will.

Doctor: ".... you have to tell him... it's your job." I heard the doctor who was looking after me talking to a nurse behind the doors.

Nurse: "But... sir... I... I never said bad news before."

Doctor: "You gotta do everything once in your life."

Nurse: "Alright fine.." The nurse arrived... I acted like I didn't hear anything...

Nurse: "Ehm... Mr. L/N?" I looked at her. "You're awake... good... I unfortunately have bad news for you." I looked shocked to add it to the truthness of my acting.

You: "Bad? What bad news you have..."

Nurse: "We managed to safe your stomach... but... it got so much damaged... that you will... you will have to c-consume liquid food only."

You: "Huh? Only liquid food?"

Nurse: "Yes... if you ever eat solid food... your stomach will get a rupture and.... you will die."

You: "Oh... that's... not what I expected to be the bad news."

Nurse: "Mr. L/N... you were stabbed into your stomach... in many cases we could return it to the original state... but your cut was severe... you're lucky we didn't have to remove it... then you'd have to stay in here forever."

You: "I see... thank you for all the help I got." She smiled a bit.

Nurse: "It's our job." After a while another nurse appeared.

Nurse 2: "I'm sorry to interrupt but... Mr. L/N you have a visit." Let me guess... Ruby again...

Nurse: "I'll leave... we'll be still monitoring you and if everything will be okay... you may go home."

You: "Oh thank you..."

Nurse 2: "Alright come in!" The nurses left as the visitors arrived.

Surprisingly it was not Ruby... instead it was Weiss and Naka. The two people I wouldn't expect to visit me together.

Naka: "Hey Y/N... how are you doing?"

You: "I think you can see that." We laughed but I started coughing again.

Weiss: "Don't you need anything?" I looked at her surprised... I always thought Weiss never cared about anyone but herself... and that she hated me... I wasn't expecting her to ask this... but I didn't let them know

You: "Yeah... a cup or mug of water would be enough... I'm thirsty."

Naka: "I heard you had a surgery... how did it go?" I looked down onto the bed sheets

You: "Not well..."

Naka: "What happened?"

You: "That... I won't be able to eat solid food again..."

Weiss: "Here's the water..." She gave it to me as I drank it.

Naka: "That's not that big of a deal... I mean yes it's sad... but you can still enjoy the taste of solid food when it's gonna be blended for you."

You: "But I will feel so embarassed."

Weiss: "I don't wanna be mean or anything... but it was kinda expected... you should know as a scientist that when you get your stomach damaged problems like these can appear."

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