Chapter VIII: Strange activities

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*Y/N's POV*

It was 3 days after I decided to leave Beacon, unfortunately because of Ozpin that didn't happen. At least I didn't have to train daily... only when I wanted. During those 3 days me and Ruby kinda bonded well... she became my best friend... we talked a lot daily... mainly about weapons. It was the same with Mia but we didn't become that good friends.

Now I was in a secret laboratory under Beacon where I had many books about herbs and so I decided to make some healing mixtures. Ozpin also asked me if I could remember what was the antidote I used against that deathstalker at Merlot's facility... at least how I made it.

So I was looking for it as well... unfortunate.

The elevator opened and in came Ruby... who was the only one who was allowed to enter...

Ruby: "Hi Y/N! How are you doing today?"

You: "Oh... hey Ruby I'm fine... what did you bring me?" she was carrying a tray.

Ruby: "It's lunch time silly... you can't work on an empty stomach now can you."

You: "Hm... I guess."

She placed the tray on a nearby table as she went towards me.

Ruby: "What are you doing Y/N..."

You: "Um... I'm trying to find out if some healing mixtures work... but I need a test subject that is not human nor faunus."

Ruby: "Ah I see."

You: "Also... I kinda finished with your upgrade... if you want we can test it in the arena." Her eyes were with stars inside of them now.

Ruby: "Ooohhh... yes we can! But first you should eat."

You: "Oh fine."

Ruby: "And while you'll be eating, can I ask some questions?"

You: "Okay." I took the tray and started eating what was on it..

Ruby: "Y/N... I heard you wanted to leave because you felt out of place in here."

You: "Yes... people here hate me."

Ruby: "Not only Weiss though?"

You: "No... everyone... except maybe your team excluding Weiss and Nakamura."

Ruby: "Ah I see... how do you feel now? More comfortable?"

You: "Well now in a laboratory and in a lab coat I feel like I belong here."

Ruby: "You know life is not only a laboratory."

You: "Yes... but I didn't live anywhere else as far as I remember."

Ruby: "Hmmm... now that I think about it... you weren't in Vale yet were you?"

You: "What's Vale?"

Ruby: "A city just below this academy."

You: "Ah I see."

Ruby: "So do you wanna go with me? I'll show you around.."

You: "I'll think about it."

I continued eating as Ruby looked around the lab.

Ruby: "Whoa... those equations... what do they mean?"

You: "It's not an equation.. it's a recipe for some of the healing mixtures."

Ruby: "Ah... I don't get it."

You: "The number means how much of it to add... the letter behind it... you know... the small g... means what amount and then there's a text."

Ruby: "Ah okay... so... is 5 g of Saffron flower a lot or not?"

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