Come back home.....

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Hello, everyone... How are you all? I hope that you all are doing fine... Stay at home... Be safe.. Be aware... In this situation, there is nothing much to say.... I hope you will like the last chapter of this story... I hope that I could entertain you all with this story...

Let's get started!!!

Third-person POV:

It's been 7 months that Max is gone..

Everybody is behaving that no man existed named Max...

There is no way to understand that Tul is worried about Max's absence....

Tul is very busy nowadays...

He handles the accounts of two factories...

He took business administration as his major back then..

His dad decided long ago that he will stop all this..

And wants to live an ordinary life.

So he builds three factories and then now Tul is handling the accounts section of those factories...

He is really good at that..

His dad Dean is really impressed..

Now Lam and Park stay with Tul all the time..

Dean suggested that one of them should be Tul's assistant..

But Tul denied that.. He said the workload is not that heavy he can manage and moreover they also help him so he doesn't need any assistant..

He knows that if he let Lam be his assistant then Park will have a heart attack soon..

He doesn't want that so he convinced his dad.


Everything is normal from outside..

Only Lam and Park knows that what Tul is going through...

They now stay at Tul's wing with him.

They live downstairs where Max stayed before..

All the CCTV cameras are still there...

All the monitors are in that room like the way they were before..

Pim hired a maid who cooks for them..

Now Max is not there so she does that cooking...

At night she went to the quarter.

In the night there is only three of them on Tul's wing..

The mask that Tul wears at the day he took that off...

There is only sorrow.... Lose of somebody he loves.... The pain of not seeing him was there...

It's a sight of every night....

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