Ahh .... What a Explore!!

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Merry Christmas, everyone.... I hope you are all well.

I didn't go to Venice. So I will write this chapter with the things I feel good on the vacation. I love eating most of the time. I like to taste various types of food. Specially fast-food. So bear with me.

I have to do some research about the places. All thanks to Google.

Enjoy reading....

So let's get started!!!

Third-person POV:

"Explore!!!" Tul is excited.

"Yep.... It's a beautiful city. So it will be a waste if we didn't look around."

"But what about the money??"

"Don't worry about that... I have plenty of that...." Max chuckled.

"Really!!! You will be an ideal husband to your wife in the future...." Tul joked.

Max's smile faded.


Tul is feeling guilty because of that topic Max becomes sad.

Tul doesn't know anything about Max. He is not a person who has a normal life like others.

His lifestyle and job are stopping him from falling for someone.

Max knows with whom he will tie himself that person has to suffer because of him.

Lam and Park are boyfriends. So it is not that difficult in their case. They can protect themselves.

Love is not something that will come at the right time. And for him maybe it will never come.....

"Hey, Max, why so serious??" Tul asked to light up the mood.


"Let's go... We have to get ready.... I am excited....".

Max chuckled.

" Okay, get ready fast than."

Tul clapped his hand.

They eat an American breakfast. Nothing that new but the food was really tasty.

Max and Tul eat to their full appetite.

Then they started roaming around the city.

There is some open market in that area. The things they are selling is cheap. But they are good products.

Max and Tul roam around the market.

Venice is a colorful city. Every building is colorful here.

In Thailand everything is simple. But in here all is colorful.

"Hey... Look...." Tul is hollering excitedly.

Max looked around and saw.

"I want this Max, please buy me this na....." Tul has puppy eyes now.

Max is curious about what Tul is so excited about.

He goes near Tul.

When he sees the thing. He burst into laughter.

Tul is huffing and puffing now.

"What are you laughing about??" Tul asked sulking.

"What is this?" Max teased.

"A dream catcher...."


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