The front door to the castle opened, starling me once more. It was if this evening was determined to fill me with surprises. The King himself was stood in front of me, with his black hair gelled up in its usual stance, along with his body being clad in a crimson suit. He did not speak, as he reached for my right hand, pulling me towards him.

“King Alistair...” I called, trying to pry my hand from his strong grasp. “Sir?” I asked again, still receiving no response.

He then began to walk faster through the corridors of his home. My feet were dragging behind him in attempt to keep up with his speed. It was rare for me to be around the King, as he only appeared when I was about to fall asleep. I was unaware of his actions behind checking on me daily, yet I suppose it was a precaution to ensure that I was not escaping or misbehaving.

Giving up on freeing myself from his hold, we eventually ended up outside my familiar bedroom door, which seemed like an obstacle for the King, due to his difficulty opening it. I stifled a laugh, as he irately opened the thick wood finally, pulling me inside. He pushed me onto my bed and then stood in front of me. I was both confused and slightly worried, his dark eyes piercing through me. I decided to sit up straight and stare back at him, showing that I was not afraid.

“Miss Anastasia, I have something to ask of you.” He finally spoke, my instincts picking up on the dubious tone of his voice.

“Yes?” I simply replied, the sudden tiredness of my day washing over me. I had a marvellous time with Lord Harry, and I did not want it to be ruined.

“Have you been assessing my two Lords whilst you have been spending time with them?” His questioned seemed rushed, with his nostrils flaring and his eyes wild.

“Yes.” I repeated. “Am I not supposed to?” I was puzzled.

“Miss Anastasia, all I ask from you is to remain neutral when encountering these two men.” He took a step back, exhaling loudly. “I do not want you to make any rash decisions based on a singular meeting.” He was cryptic but I think that there is some underlying purpose for his being here tonight. I am just unsure of what that is.

“Are you referring to my day with Lord Zayn yesterday?” I could not help but ask, he knew what he had done to me, and he knew how I had reacted. The hatred that I feel for Lord Zayn is on par with my hatred for the entire Vampire race. King Alistair did not reply, but instead bent down in front of me, holding my cheeks in between the palms of his hands.

“My dear Anastasia, may your curiosity be your hamartia.” He spoke gently yet mysteriously, making my stomach turn in knots. His cold lips pecked my forehead before he walked towards the door. “Sleep now.” He commanded, before slamming the door and exiting.

I could only frown as I absorbed the small encounter. These two conversations I have had today are leaving me with a pressing headache. Not only was Walter behaving cryptically, but King Alistair as well. I will not let these Vampires ruin my life; I am determined to figure out their agendas, as I need to know the reasoning behind their actions, before I drive myself to complete insanity.


The morning routine appears to be following a pattern, as Angelica and Laurel assisted me yet again in dressing appropriately for Lord Zayn. I was getting tiresome of wearing these white outfits, although today the pallid high-waisted skirt was accompanied by a light pink shirt. I tried not to argue with the two girls, as they are only doing their job, yet I made sure that they are aware of my disgust for the colour.

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