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The Pack and Granger.


Loving him was easy, being away from him wasn't, something about him pulled me in, it drew me in and drowned me in his presence, all I wanted was to love and have him in my life till we died, I knew things were moving pretty fast for both of us but to be completely honest, it seemed as if we were catching up on several missed years that we should've been together, I had known Xavier for a few years, I was attracted to him as time went by until I started getting gutsy about approaching him, with every approach being a failure until the night by the lake, that was magical, I never knew I could love anyone like this, its almost unbelievable yet I know its true.

Jude, was the kid I always dreamed of having, he was smart, witty, had a lot of his dad's personality which made him even more precious, just like Xavier he seemed delicate but he was also an alpha and if I knew correctly, Cornell would be the one to request that he train him, it was no secret that Jude was an alpha it was present in his scent, it's why being around Cornell wasn't frightening, the same need to protect pulsed in their veins, its how I instantly understood what he meant when he claimed to have a successor, he meant Jude, even if he was to have a child or children later, he wanted Jude for it, the reason for that, I didn't know, dwelling on it wasn't going to help so I drifted back to him being the kid I wanted, it didn't matter if he didn't have my blood or Xavier's, I loved him like my own, and my wolf loved him as his own, that's all that matters, he was my boy.

To the goddess I would always be grateful, she had given me a family when I was near giving up on the idea of a family, she had given me blessings I never thought I would be worthy of in this lifetime, I was grateful, always. "Hey, where is your mind at?" Xavier asks as he squeezes my hand just a little bit more, reassuring me that he was there. "I'm here, just thinking about you, and our little kid, who is currently charming that wolf." I replied as we both turned to see Jude kissing the cheek of a teen girl. "Oh you're so cute, what's your name?" She asked as I realized she was a wolf from the pack, her family had an urban farm in the city. "I'm Jude." He replied with an equally bright smile making the girl squeal. "He doesn't remember the old things that happened before, the abuse, the pain, I erased everything, he can vaguely remember his own mother, all trace is gone, he's a vessel being filled with new memories of the beauty in the world, along with warm hugs, and love." Xavier explained as we walked hand in hand, he was a sucker for attention and affection and I thrived on giving it, he wasn't my little secret, he was my mate, I would want no other man than him.

"Beta Marquee, how are you?" The girl asked as we got close. "Hello Sylvie, I see you've met my son." I proudly stated just as Xavier's emotions poured in through our bond making me realize he was happy with that. "Yes, he's so cute, and has an awesome dress sense, high five Jude, I can't wait to tell the guys." She happily rambled on making me chuckle. "By the end of the day, the whole pack will know that beta Marquee is off the market." Xavier teased with his bright cherry lips inviting me just to kiss him, I didn't care how Xavier looked, he was beautiful, and him being uniquely beautiful gave me hardons most of the time. "Wait you're Xavier, I love your shop, Granger works there right?" Slyvie asks as she comes closer, Xavier nods with a smile as they begin talking. "Hey, buddy wanna see wolves?" I asked Jude and he eagerly nodded. "Come on." I called out as we jogged toward the pack training grounds, I knew Xavier could find his way, taking him away from Sylivie now would be impossible. "Hey Dean come meet beta Marquee's mate!" She yelled over to one of her friends and that definitely caused more commotion.

"Sorry babe, want me to clear them out and get you?" I asked in his mind. "No, this is actually the best way to know people, I will catch up in a few minutes." He replied as he waved at both me and Jude, we both made our way to the training grounds. "I got you uncle Marquee." He squealed jumping onto my back. "I've been caught, I surrender!" I call out as we fell to the ground laughing and rolling on the grass, hopefully Xavier won't have me by my balls for getting dirty. "Oh look, our beta, we heard the news come tell us." Kole the head warrior addressed as I looked up to face him. "You heard what news?" I questioned and he snickered. "Beta Marquee you wound me, hey little pup, you winning battles?" Kole asked as Jude looked at him apprehensively, I knew he was determining if he was safe, he tucked himself under my chin, it gave my wolf pride knowing Jude would seek out safety from me, he trusted us, so that's how being a father felt like. "Its okay my boy, he's alright, they all are, tell him to show you his wolf." I instructed and Jude looked back to Kole coming out of hiding slowly.

"Can I-." He began and Kole nodded. "Its okay, guys back up, let's give the pup space." Kole instructed and I was grateful he understood that Jude wasn't exactly used to a lot of sweaty large men and women surrounding him and awwing over him. "You wanted to see wolves right-" Kole addressed as he slowly shifted, fur and snout growing on his body, bones snapped rearranging positions, Kole wasn't the only one who shifted, the wolves who surrounded us most if not all shifted, slowly they walked to us, they weren't small, in any way. "Go on, touch him." I encouraged Jude and he left my embrace to touch Kole's wolf. "The memories he had of wolves were all bloody and full of pain,death and suffering, now that's changing, thank you." I could hear Xavier speak in my head, I knew he was watching from a grassy patch a few yards from us. "I thought it would be good, he would bond with them, and they would protect him as one of their own." I replied my mate as Jude's laugh made it to my ears, he was being licked by Kole, other wolves were all huddled around him catching his scent and smothering him in theirs, wherever he would end up they would know he belonged to this pack, its what bonding was meant to do.

"Yay Kole!" Jude finally squealed as he sat on the wolf's back. "Hold on!" I yelled as they all broke into a run with him squealing in delight. "No fair!" Granger grumbled rather loudly making me realize he was watching Jude being smothered in affection by the others before him. "You'll get your turn." I teased in my response just as I noticed the scent of my mother nearby. "So when were you thinking of bringing your mate to meet your mother, along with my grandbaby, I heard to hear it from Sylvie's friend Dean, oh Xavier you're absolutely gorgeous today." She accused and complimented at the same time, she was definitely my mother. "We were on our way mother, its why we are here after all." I tried to reason with her but her glare made me shut up. "Nonsense, come Xavier dear, tell me how you are, and where is this grandbaby of mine the whole pack is raving about." She exclaimed making Xavier blush. "Mom, one thing at a time." I interjected but all I got was another glare. "Thank you, I believe he's running with the wolves." Xavier chuckled as I stood next to him watching Jude squeal on Kole's back. "Oh my, when they told me he's the most adorable child you'll ever see I didn't believe it, he looks just like your mate Marquee." My mother complimented making me puff my chest proudly, yeah they were mine. "Come let's have lunch at home and I can meet him properly." My mother excitedly stated making me realize out of everyone who was eager about my mate and Jude, she trumped them all. "I'd love that." Xavier added making me smile. "Uncle Marquee, he suits you." Granger mumbled. "Thanks kiddo." I was glad the pack loved them, it made me happy that they were accepted with such ease, my mother wasn't easy to accept people but it seemed with him, it was possible, he indeed was my mate.



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