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The Entanglement.

Xavier Amari.

"Morning!" I cheerfully greeted my employees who smiled brightly at me, I knew they were actually smiling at the box of doughnuts that I was holding, it was obvious. "Morning boss, you look lovely, and so does that scrumptious box of sugar." Kale exclaimed making me look at her flatly, ofcourse she wanted the sugar and coffee. "At least don't make it so obvious, you hurt my feelings." I asserted and both of them looked away chuckling. "Americano for you, black no soy with triple sugar and light cream, for you Granger." I mumbled handing both of them their beverages, I wonder why I even bought the two rascals coffee, it was habit I guess, we all gathered at the back of the store and chowed down on the sugar fest breakfast, no wonder I was getting fat.

Pushing strands of hair behind my ear I looked up past the door to the shop, I could smell him before I even saw him. "Here we go again." I mumbled as I left my two employees gossiping about the ladies next door whilst I went to avert disaster, walking past shelves of antiques and very expensive pieces of jewellery I got to the double glass doors. "Good morning my love." He announced with a bouquet of flowers that made it impossible not to sneeze, I groaned accepting the flowers. "Linc we've been over this, I'm never going to accept your advances, I most definitely am not your love, I'm just your friend, who was and is there when needed." I explained to a dumbass looking wolf, I was not sorry for insulting my own kind, I had been through this with Linc for over the past few months, he was one of the entanglements with the wolves I wish would disappear.

Linc had been a good friend and when things went downhill for him I was there to pick him up dust him off and help him navigate the world, my actions were mistaken as romantic or that in his mind him showing me his gratitude had to be through a relationship and most likely sex, that much was predictable when it came to wolves, we are a horny bunch. "You always say that, but I'm going to keep coming until you accept." He proclaimed making me groan, using my free hand I moved my hair back a little, Linc must've caught on to the scent I drenched myself in so he came closer. "You smell great." He whispered in my ear before moving away slightly. "See you at lunch bebe." He asserted making my eyes widen in shock, there was no way I could have lunch with him, before I could refuse he was already in his car driving off. "Damnit." I cursed almost too loudly, the flowers in my hand quickly met the trash can nearest to me, when was he going to take no for an answer.

As I got into the shop my expression spoke for it itself. "Oh, he mentioned lunch didn't he?" Granger exclaimed and I wondered how he knew, the man if I could call him that sheepishly smiled as he found his words. "I heard him talk to a friend of his last night when I passed by the bakery, I forgot to tell you and honestly why do you keep refusing, why not go on the date and let him down gently." Granger replied advocating for his fellow pack member, yes I knew he was a wolf but he didn't know I was one and I preffered it that way, him rooting for Linc was understandable but he was also torn by supporting my decision, poor man, he couldn't pick sides and I couldn't accept Linc because even though I was an old virgin, I believed in mates, and mine was out there somewhere, I was waiting for him.

"In as much as I want to see him as my man, I cannot, he's my friend." I replied Granger but also withheld another truth, I wanted him to wait for his mate, so that he or she could fulfil his wishes and love them with all his heart, I couldn't do that, to both of us. "I understand." The wolf replied as he rested his case and went to work as customers were showing up. I had been entangled with wolves for a while now and my fear of being around other wolves had lessened but the more dominant they were the less I could keep my cool, I was a work in progress. "Boss you've got a nine thirty at the auction house downtown, they have pieces you might like." Kale announced pulling my mind to work, I still had that to give me semblance of peace and equilibrium. "Thanks Kale, I'm heading out now." I replied the girl who nodded whilst attending to a customer, grabbing my bag I was out the door.

When I had first stumbled into Sandbury it was a small town, now the small was gone and it was near being given city status since a major airport was currently under construction here, it had grown in its splendour and beauty, I maneuvered my way through the messy roads, morning traffic was always hectic to drive around but somehow I had gotten used to it, I arrived with ten minutes to spare, what I hadn't expected was the large crowd and him, goddess why was he here of all the places we could have bumped into each other, I locked my car via my keys and threw them into my bag, taking out my phone and pretending something was interesting on there made it seem possible to avoid him.

"Good morning bella." Oh I was wrong, he smiled making my wolf stir, I couldn't reply because of two things really, a part of me was terrified of him because he was a giant, a wolf and the beta of the wolf pack, the other reason why I couldn't was because I was stuck, I knew I would say something dumb and embarrass myself like before. "Come on, I thought we were friends." He teased whilst placing his large hand on my back making me jump at how warm and electrifying it felt, I knew he felt it too. "Yes we are and good morning, mister Nile." I replied with as much control as I could, hoping I could survive this encounter, because with this wolf I was entangled and if he were to make a move, I don't know what I would do.

"Friends call me Marquee." He corrected as we were ushered inside the house. "We aren't there yet, and could we really be considered friends, I only know you through Granger." I argued, if anything I was goading him into something more, I just hadn't made up my mind on what. "Well if you stopped running every time we bump into each other I would've invited you to dinner, or actually asked you to have a drink but alas you would rather break your leg and heels." That whole statement had me blushing and embarrassed, he had promised never to mention the heels incident and also the question of dinner or a drink played on my mind.

"I see realization finally hit." He teased even more and I glared at him, slapping his extremely large bicep I huffed and walked toward an empty seat, sighing to myself and trying to calm my nerves I began focusing on the pieces being shown. "Its a small place, running won't work." His voice echoed all around me making me groan and whine, goddess why was this happening to me. "You  promised never to mention the heels." I accused and the response I got was a hearty laugh and shrug, damn his gorgeous sculptured face. "I promised not to bring it up around people we know, but scratch that, do you wanna catch a movie or have a late lunch with me sometime?" There it was, what I had wanted for so long yet something in me held back, this was a little too good to be true but he seemed serious, why didn't I stay home today.



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