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Danger & Beauty.

Lord Huron - The night we met.

Marquee Nile.

Beautiful, brave, quirky, strong, sexy, smartass, absolutely gorgeous, he was all that and more but it seemed I could never do or say the right thing when I was around him, he made my skin warm up and my hair stand on end, my heart would race whilst my breath hitched, he made me feel as if I was putty he could mold and I was his to command, I've tried several times to just get to him but as soon as he sees me, he runs for the hills, at first I thought its how I looked, no it wasn't that, apparently he liked that I was well built, I've gone through endless things that I could change so he could look at me the same way he does red velvet cake but nope, never works.

I wish I could understand him, but he's harder to understand, catching him in an accidental bump in is easier than understanding him, if only he knew I would roll over for him if he wished it, a scoff escaped my lips as the mango ciroc wasn't really hitting the spot I wanted, alcohol was a no go tonight since it would end up with me driving to his house, I didn't want to scare him even more, but what do I do, he's the first guy I ever genuinely wanted, needed even, could he even be classified as a guy, it was questionable since he gave me hard ons when he was in heels, his slightly past shoulder hair made his face pop but what really entranced me was those eyes, those green and canary yellow ring eyes, they made him stand out with his beauty.

A sigh escaped my lips as I finished my drink, here I was at a party full of people and the one thing that won't leave my mind is him, even my wolf is having a hard time letting go of the feeling of being next to him, it felt right. "What did you do?" My nephew calls out as he stomps toward me, I definitely knew I did nothing but it seemed I had.

"What are you talking about Granger?" I questioned as he glared at me before sighing with a groan. "Oblivious idiot." He mumbled and I looked at him with quirked brows. "I am your uncle you know." I reminded as he dragged me off toward a less crowded area where the music wasn't as loud either. "I gave you a heads up about Xavier going to the auction, proud that you showed up by the way, disappointed that you ruined his mood!" Granger yelled making me recoil from his space, he was a nasty firecracker at times. "How did I ruin it exactly?" I asked still keeping my distance, my nephew slapped his forehead and groaned. "You bought a piece of jewellery and alluded to it being for someone special, Xavier thought it was someone special- special since it was that expensive." Granger finally explained and realization finally dawned on me.

"Shit." I cursed lowly. "Damn right." Granger added but before I could say anything Cornell showed up, he was tipsy. "Hey guys, discussing Marquee's lack of a sexual partner." He joked making me roll my eyes, me being single was the other reason this party had been thrown, to see if I could find my mate, all it did was remind me why I was waiting for that mate and why Xavier might be that mate but I had no way to be sure my wolf was stuck too. "Cornell you and I know I'm waiting for my mate, that's a good thing, now go party with one of your numerous girlfriends." I stated crudely and the alpha chuckled raising his hands up in surrender, he had met his mate and she left him, now he just led the pack and plugged holes, who could blame him though, he was broken.

Granger turned to face me with a confused look that's when I felt it too, there was a rogue wolf in pack territory, if not that, it was our ghost wolf. "Stay here!" I ordered as I sprinted into the woods whilst dropping pieces of clothing behind, a howl alerted me where the wolf had been spotted, leaping into the I shifted and ran faster on four paws headed for the danger I hoped was not. It didn't take long to get where the wolves were but they seemed disoriented. "Where is the rogue?" I demanded and the wolves turned to look at me as the question rang out in their heads. "We don't know sir, we had been tracking him until he got to the waterfall, but suddenly he vanished without a trace." One of the wolves leading the party replied and an angry growl escaped my lips, the ghost wolf always used that tactic, I wondered how he or she did it and why we felt its presence every time it entered pack territory.

One thing we knew for sure was that it wasn't a ghost, they didn't leave paw prints, the wolves just called it that because of its fur, pure white without a hint of another shade. Breaking off in a sprint I found myself by the waterfall, it was beautiful at night, with the moon reflecting on the water, I could tell I wasn't alone, though the pack wolves had stayed behind, I knew I wasn't alone, I could feel the other wolf, it was hard to describe, as I walked closer to the water I finally saw the wolf, there was a mix of beauty and danger with it, green eyes that mixed with yellow, they reminded me of Xavier instantly but beside that, I was still mesmerized by its fur, white as snow, I didn't dare move in fear of scaring it away, it was almost my size still, that was the other reason why I was hesitant to make a move, I didn't know its strength.

The wolf came closer to the water and drank, though its eyes were still locked on me, there was humanity in those eyes, the wolf wasn't rogue at all, I drank the water aswell, cautious not to make any sudden moves, then it looked up, to the moon high above us, I did the same and felt serene, I wondered how a wolf I barely knew could have me feel peace.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until he sat down still looking at me, I couldn't move away either, I was itching to get closer to him, I now knew it was a he I was dealing with. Suddenly the wolf stood up and growled. "Fuck me." I groaned as wolves showed up behind me with Cornell leading them. "Cornell wai-." I was too late the alpha was already on the chase, I ran forward aswell leaping over the water and rushing toward Cornell and the other wolf, the two were fast but I pushed myself, I was just as fast but the one being hunted was the master of evasion, as I now ran beside Cornell the wolf had become a blur in front of us, his white form getting farther and farther away, it made us seem as if we weren't even running.

"Cornell wait!" I yelled in the alpha's mind and he came to a stop. "He's not a rouge, and you might have just ruined our chances of us knowing who he is." I explained with a growl and the wolf growled back but I wouldn't stand down. "If he's not rogue, what do you suggest we do, he's still in pack territory." The alpha exclaimed just as an idea came to mind. "We corner him, have the wolves surround any viable exists to the pack, if he tries to escape through any of those exists we capture him or have someone tail him." I explained my plan and the alpha seemed to agree as he ordered the wolves to do according to my plan.

Somehow I just knew I needed to go back to the waterfall, so I turned back and headed straight for where I found the elusive ghost wolf. A human groan made me stop dead in my tracks, there was a person there, it wasn't unusual for human to venture into pack territory, they were watched ofcourse so that wolves could avoid them, but with all the commotion going on the person must have just walked by and no wolf saw them. Shifting back, a wolf behind me was ready to give me a pair of shorts. "Thank you, and this time stay here." I ordered and the wolf nodded, as I got closer my wolf stirred, I definitely knew that figure, what he was doing at night all alone in the woods was a question in my head that needed and answer.

"Xavier." I called out. "Oh freaking, goddess you scared me!" He all but screamed his words making me flinch. "Hey, its okay, its okay, sorry to spook you." I apologized almost immediately as he calmed down. "What are you doing here at night?" I demanded and he looked at me as if I was an idiot for even asking. "I'm jogging, the path is right up there, aren't you doing the same, you are wearing the same thing." He answered innocently and goddess did I feel like an idiot. "Yeah, yeah I am." I replied sheepishly and he chuckled, damn he looked good with very little clothing on. Time to shoot my shot, again.



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