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A new ordeal has broken Drishti's peaceful slumber. A cloud of darkness covered her eyes as she opened them. Wanted to wipe the darkness off of her eyes, she tried to move her hands but they were already tied to the chair. Even with the applied force, she couldn't move instead the rope needed up hurting her more. She screamed from the top of her lungs, asking for help, yet the only thing she could hear back was the room echoing back her voice and seeming down slowly while picking back up as she screamed louder and louder.

Drishti was scared. She at first thought maybe she was dreaming. That she was still in bed in the the arms of her husband and he will soon wake her up. But after couple of minutes of shouting and screaming, her throat dried up. She finally realized, it was no dream, it was definitely a nightmare. Her feeling of impending doom has reached its course. It's finally here.

Her calling for her husband was all in vain. Rakshit was no where to be found. He couldn't hear her voice nor could she hear the sound of his downfall. He was held captive in another room that was soundproof. Mixing the sleeping pills in their food worked like a charm for RV. Although the same couldn't be said for Rakshit and Drishti.

Slap, splash, hit, slap, splash, hit........were the only sounds that could be heard in Rakshit captivity. Blood was oozing out from Rakshit's face. Being tied by ropes like a cross, he's clothes was covered in blood stains. The perpetrator was none other than RV who seemed like such a gentleman, instead he was a wicked man who couldn't get rid of his insecurities just like.....In between the beating, Rakshit managed to spoke.

Rakshit: why are you doing this? What have I done to you?

A wicked and the most sneakiest laugh could be heard from RV.

RV: didn't know there was this funny side to you Mr. Rakshit Shergill. But then again being born as a member of the Shergills should be enough to be considered your mistake.

Rakshit: what do you mean Shergill? Do you know me?

RV: do I know you? Let's see...ummmm....of course I know you. (Hahahahaha) Thanks to me your away from your so called family. I should receive the best separater award for my accomplishment.

Rakshit: you did this? But why? What could I or my family ever done to you?

RV: What did you guys not done? Maybe cause you don't remember or has ....... not tell you? It's a long story, do you want to see it? We have all the time in the world, I guess I should enlighten you a little before your demise.

Question: who do you think RV was referring to  when he said "has....not told you"? Also whom do you think I referred to when I wrote "who couldn't get rid of his insecurities just like...."? The past never leaves you - K

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