Turn of events

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Rakshit took Drishti's hand and left in the car. They were very happy. Life has given them a second chance to start all over again.

Drishti: Mr. Shergill, where are we going?

Rakshit: didn't I say that it's a surprise Mrs. Shergill?

Drishti: yes you did, but come on tell me na. I want to know where we are going. (Pouting) Please.

Rakshit looked over at her cute face and pulled her cheeks by one hand while the other was on the steering wheel.

Rakshit: (smiling) oh how cute. You are gonna give me a heart attack even before we reach there Mrs. Shergill.

So here's the light on what the surprise is: Rakshit has decided to spend some quality alone time with Drishti. Therefore, he booked a resort at Park Hyatt Resort And Spa in Goa and wanted to drive their with her. The resort was a breathtaking pick of a romantic spot for couples or so Google said 😂 (sorry guys I don't know much about resorts in India). They haven't had the chance to get much alone time before and even after the separation, thus, he had informed everyone before the dance and left the dance for a beautiful journey that was waiting for them.

Drishti: so your not going to tell me?

Rakshit: (smirking) I won't but my love, know this that it's going to be the best time of your life.

Drishti: (blushing) fine

The journey was long but both were happy to be together. Sometime into their journey, Drishti was fed up from asking where Rakshit was taking her and she actually didn't care anymore. Drishti held onto and leaned against Rakshit's shoulder.

Drishti: (smiling) I don't know where we are going but as long as your with me Mr. Shergill, I am willing to go anywhere.

Rakshit: (smiling and head bumped with her) I feel the same way Mrs. Shergill. And don't worry this surprise will be the best surprise I have ever given you.

Both looked at each other and just then a truck bumped into their car and their car was out of control. The truck's driver somehow managed to stop the truck, on the other hand, Rakshit's car was rolling down a hill.

Rakshit was worried not for himself but for his wife, the love of his life who might not survive this. All their precious memories came back to them all at once. Drishti was crying badly. She was worried for Rakshit and also for leaving their son behind.

Rakshit: (crying, feeling guilty and worried) what am I going to do, the car's not stopping. I am sorry my love, I shouldn't have brought you here with me. I am really sorry. It's all my fault. I only wanted to spend some time with you.

Drishti: (wiped off her tears and then his) it's ok my love, it's not your fault. Remember what I said before, I will go anywhere as long as your with me. I am not afraid to die. It's just that I am worried for Drikshit, we haven't even said goodbye to him. He will definitely be devastated and the whole family too. How will they go on?

Rakshit: I know my love I am thinking about them as well. Do this, why don't you jump out of the car now, maybe???

He couldn't finish this sentence because thinking of her dying is already making him feel guilty and all sorts of emotions were running through his mind.

Drishti: what are you saying? I am not leaving you. How could I?

Rakshit: please Mrs. Shergill, listen to me for once.

Drishti: no I won't. If we jump, we will jump together.

Rakshit: come on, we don't have much time. Why do you gotta be so stubborn?

Drishti: I learned it from my husband.

Even in this situation Drishti was smiling and seeing her smiley face, Rakshit too was happy. Happy to die alone with his love. But then an idea hit him. Just before the car was going to crash, he took Drishti and jumped out of the car thinking of nothing else. They rolled down together and hugging tightly to one another, with scratches and wounds all over their body.

But they didn't let go. They didn't know if they are going to survive this but even if they didn't, they were willing to die together in each other's arms. They were in solace in each other's embrace. They kept rolling while hugging tightly until they fell deep into a forest. The height of the fall was around 5 stories tall, but they somehow survived due to the trees and branches supporting them. Both were unconscious and were definitely unaware of this new surrounding.

Precap: can we start all over start again...

An idea popped into my head while I was thinking of finishing the LAFS 1. Let's see how this story goes. Thank you for reading - K

Love At First Sight 2 (LAFS 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora