He was just a little kid

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Continuation on Nick's Memories~

After Cornelia and Caleb kissed Nick goodnight, they both vanished and Nick fell fast asleep moments later. Morning came and Nick's parents weren't still back. Nick didn't seem to be worried about this. When he got up, he made some breakfast with magic then went outside and played with Amalia. Sabrina saw how close they were and she also saw the tenderness and motherliness of the werewolf which made her heartache a bit, for she was the one who ended the werewolf's life.

Dark came and Nick's parents still weren't back. A sad thought suddenly came to Sabrina, "No! Is this where his parents died?", she thought. She looked at Nick, he was in her mother's sewing chair holding her mother's ring. He looked calm but he would always look at the clock and would flinch at the slightest sound. Midnight came and at the stroke of the clock, he stood up and went hurriedly inside the room with curtains for cover after whispering something. Sabrina followed after him and a room full of witchy stuff was laid in front of her. There were several plant varieties and a lot of books, which she suspected as grimoires. The room was also covered in some symbols and a lot of candles and different talismans. Nick was looking for a book, and when he seemed to have found what he was looking for, he opened it and performed a spell. Sabrina tried to look at the page where he was but she couldn't understand the symbols written on it.

Young Nick: Please mother, father, give me a sign that you're both okay. Answer me.

And Sabrina realized that he must've sent them a message. But an hour passed and there were no signs from his' parents. He then went outside and stayed with Amalia, Amalia in return, gave him a cuddle. The next few days came by like a blur but Sabrina saw how lonely and devastated little Nick was. At this moment was when she decided to pull the cord. For she understood that this was who Nick was. He was just a little kid, left by his parents to help their coven and they never came back. He was loved, he was good and he had to live on his own with the care of a werewolf. She knew why he wanted to keep this hidden when he became a satanic witch. She knew that it was far from what his parents wanted for him.

Back to present time~

Sabrina placed her hand gently on Nicks'.

Sabrina: I'm sure Cornelia and Caleb are both proud of you.

Nick was startled at the sudden mention of his parents' name, for he never told anyone of them. Then he remembered that she had her mind linked to his when they did the spell to save him. He almost forgot. He suddenly lost his words at the thought. He wasn't embarrassed by the things he did from his past but knowing that Sabrina saw them was different. And he never told a soul about what his life was before he became a satanic witch. Then slowly, Sabrina went and hugged him tightly.

Sabrina: I always wanted to do this when I watched you day after day when you were waiting for them, and to tell you everything's going to be okay.

At this, Nick smiled. It was Sabrina who saw his past self and those last memories with his parents and not anyone else. He looked at her and kissed her deeply.

Nick: Better late than never. (sighed) I guess we have to go.

Sabrina: (Noticed the hesitation from Nick) Well, i can go get it if--

Nick: (smiled) Not a chance. I'll go with you. Invisible tree, remember?

Sabrina: Wait, if the tree is invisible, how will we see it? Or --- how can I?

Nick: My parents brought me there once. So I can see it, but i don't think you will. I'm sorry.

Sabrina: Don't be. As long as one of us can.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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