You're finally awake

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Spellman's Residence

It has been an hour since The Spellmans with the Weird Sisters were casting the spell and they were starting to get exhausted. They could feel their own energies depleting but they needed to go on. Sabrina still hasn't pulled the cord that Ambrose gave her. The worst part of it is they don't know if Sabrina and Nick were making any progress. They attempted to communicate with Sabrina but she wasn't responding, but she should because she wasn't in a slumber spell-like Nick. Because of this. Hilda tried to stop the spell but Zelda dismissed her, "Let's trust Sabrina, sister if we stop now, i know she would want to do it again, and as Ambrose said, it's best if we do this only once." Hilda reluctantly agreed because she knew Zelda had a point. She knew how determined Sabrina was at getting Nick better. So they kept the spell going.

After a while, in the circle, they didn't notice that Nick was coming to. Nick had no idea what was happening but he could hear voices that kept repeating the same words. He lied there waiting for the voices to begone but they didn't. "What the heaven is happening?", he wondered. He slightly opened his eyes and saw a shadow of 6 people around him, who held their hands and then he realized that they were chanting and that he was in the center of it all. He tried to make out their faces but he couldn't seem to. His vision of them was blurry. He wanted to rub his eyes but he couldn't, afraid of what these people might do to him if they found out he was awake. Then he slightly turned his head and saw a figure of a girl, whom he felt was coming to just like him, then, he suddenly had this feeling to harm the girl. And not just harm, but kill her.

After that, the next part of the events happened in a blur. Sabrina just pulled the cord and was coming to, and they all have stopped chanting. Ambrose was leaning over to give Sabrina a hand but Sabrina instead turned to Nick. And in a split second, there was a sword that appeared in Nick's hand and then he stabbed it at Sabrina.

Sabrina: No wait stop!

She said this to stop anyone from going after Nick or from anyone helping her. And as promised, Ambrose helped by creating a bubble of protection around them to stop anyone. Zelda seemed to want to protest and counter the spell but then Sabrina signaled her to stop then she said her stabber's name.

Sabrina: Nick? Nick, it's me, Sabrina.

Nick: I don't know you!

S: It's ok. You're ok. 

Then a flash of realization washed over Nick's face. He saw the sword in his hands and then he looked at Sabrina and saw the blood.

N: Sabrina? Sabrina!

S: Shhh... I'm ok. I have your ring, I'll be okay. It's not your fault.

After saying that, Sabrina fainted and Ambrose lifted the protection spell and Hilda and Zelda tended to Sabrina's wounds. Nick, on the other hand, couldn't believe what he had done and because of exhaustion, he too fainted.

Zelda and Hilda's room

The next day~

Sabrina woke up shouting Nick's name. And Hilda and Zelda cried out at the same time.

Zelda: Praise Lilith you're awake.

Hilda: You're alright, love. You're alright. Nick is fine.

Sabrina: Where is he, auntie?

Zelda: Oh yes, thank you for asking niece, yes we are fine. And if you haven't noticed, you just woke up after getting stabbed and losing a lot of blood.

Sabrina: (laid down on her back once again and she let out a sigh) I'm glad you're all safe and fine Aunties. How about the weird sisters and Ambrose?

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