You don't just get curious of anyone

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Academy of Unseen Arts

Elspeth: Sabrina, what are you doing outside?

Sabrina: Huh? Uhmmm, nothing. Just looking for someone.

E: Well, we better get to class, your aunt Zelda doesn't like latecomers.

S: (laughs)

E: Can't you tell her to tone it down a bit.

S: Even if i did, i don't think she will. Uhmmm, question out of the blue, how do we find out if there is a new student?

E: Oh, is this person the one you we're looking for.

S: I met him at Dorian's yesterday and i thought he will be coming here but i guess he was just in town for a visit or maybe just didn't go here at all.

E: Why didn't you just ask him?

S: I was about to but then he was dragged out by two witches--- that go here by the way. Hey, I might actually just ask them --- or not.

E: He must've really caught your attention then if he had you hung up on him like this.

S: What do you mean by that?

E: Come on Sabrina, you've been kind of aloof to everyone who asks you out, and then this guy comes along and suddenly you're asking about his whereabouts?

S: I'm just curious.

Zelda: (just entered the room) Everyone shush, and let us start our lesson.

E: (whispers) Exactly Sabrina, you don't just get curious of anyone.

S: (her eyebrows met and then rolled her eyes)

E: (smiled) If you really wanna know, you might wanna go back at Dorian's, you might just see him there again.

S: [Elspeth is right, why am I suddenly curious of this random warlock? I must be going crazy. ]


Spellman's Residence

Sabrina: (reading a book loudly) Elemental spells allow witches to affect their surroundings by manipulation of the natural elements. The four elements fire, water, earth and air [Elspeth's voice: You saw him there the first time, you might just see him there again.]. Damn it! No Sabrina. You musn't. (continues to read) The four elements fire, water, earth and air are the most basic and can be called forth [Dorian's voice: he is not new here. He is actually a friend.]

*slams the book close and leaves*

Dorian's Gray Room

Dorian: (sees Sabrina going down the staircase) Sabrina, you can't just come here whenever you please. Your cousin has been sweet and now a friend but I also have my policies.

Sabrina: I won't take long Dorian, I promise. [I just need to see him.]

**someone called Dorian**

D: (he turned to the one who called him) I'll be right there. (he turned again to face Sabrina) 5 minutes, not a minute more. *leaves to tend to his other guests*

S: (scans the room) [There he is, by the corner, alone.]

**approached him**

Sabrina: (sat at the empty chair beside him)

Nick: (he looked at her and was surprised then just stared at her)

S: Hey, I'm Sabrina. You must be new here.

N: (still staring at her)

S: What is it? Do I have something on my face?

N: (closed his eyes then took a deep breath)

S: Are you okey?

N: I think it will be best if you never speak to me again. *leaves*

S: (weirded out by what just happened) what's his deal?

D: (hissed) Sabrina!

S: Okey, okey, i'm going.


Spellman's Residence (@ the balcony)

Night ~

Ambrose: What are you doing here cousin, don't tell me you came to look at the stars just like some damsel in distress?

Sabrina: (smiles) No. And I'm pretty sure I won't be some damsel in distress, Ambrose.

A: (smiles) I know you won't. What's on your mind?

S: I met someone.

A: Finally! And does this someone have a name?

S: No Ambrose, not like that. And I hope he has a name.

A: You haven't asked?

S: I tried.

A: He didn't say?

S: He just said, (imitated his voice) " I think it will be best if you never speak to me again." I mean, what the hell does that even mean?

A: Oh, my cousin got rejected? (laughs)

S: Haha. Maybe you know him or might have seen him. Dorian says he's not new in town. He's always at his place at the corner drinking alone. I mean i think so, i mean, nobody ever does drink alone at Dorian's.

A: (surprised but he remained calm on the outside) What of him?

S: So you know him?

A: I know he is --- Dorian's friend, like you said.

S: Hmmm, well, I met him there the other day, but I don't know. There was something familiar about him which is strange because I'm pretty sure it was my first time seeing him. I tried to talk to him earlier today but like i said, he just told me, "I think it will be best if you never speak to me again". (snorted)

A: But you won't, will you?

S: (thinking deeply) Maybe.

A: Look, maybe you were just curious of the guy. By the sound of what you just said, he seemed --- mysterious or crazy, which is actually what most witches go for.

S: Oh Ambrose, most witches?

A: (laughed) I know you are not one cousin. just be careful.

S: Always am.

A: No you're not.

S: (rolled her eyes and went inside)

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