He's back

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A/N: Before I start, I just wanna say that this story has already been posted at my IG fan page, and I haven't had time to edit the format of it, so I'm posting it as is. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy :)


6 months have passed, Ambrose and Prudence finally succeeded in finding Faustus and just as Prudence was about to kill him, Ambrose stopped him and told her that maybe they could exchange him in place of Nick. Prudence reluctantly agreed and they summoned Lilith and made the proposal. It took time for them to convince her but after some time, Lilith then agreed for she knows that Nick didn't deserve to bear the Dark Lord inside of him. And if anyone did, it would be Faustus, who almost killed the coven he was in charge to look after, and who is a monster himself to his bones. However, the transfer was risky, so they needed the help of the coven and a celestial event to draw power from. Luckily, there'll be a total solar eclipse in the next 6 months. It's a long wait but they can't risk doing the transfer without it. So they waited and told the coven of what had happened, including of what Lilith did to Sabrina's memories. When the day of the solar eclipse happened, they did the transfer. It exhausted a lot of them since the Dark Lord fought but they succeeded.

At one of the Academy's secret chambers

[Nick screaming as he wakes up]

Ambrose: Mate, it's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's not real.

Nick: A dream, Ambrose? No! It was a nightmare. A never-ending nightmare.

A: Drink this, and maybe it'll calm you down (he handed him water)

N: (tears kept falling from his eyes)

A: Is there anything I can do to help?

N: I doubt that. No one can help me, Ambrose.

A: Maybe I can look for some spells ---

N: No spell can help me Ambrose. You don't understand. Every second, minute or even a day having the Dark Lord inside me was torture. He made me suffer every time he had the chance. He made me picture everyone i cared about and he would kill them over and over and every time he killed them, i felt it! I felt it all. He'd make me think that i was free and that i was happy then again he would take it away from me. And every time he's done, you'd think that he can no longer think of ways to hurt you, but then he'd do it again, more painful than the last. I tried to resist it Ambrose. I tried to fight it and tell myself it wasn't real. I would think of your cousin and it felt a little better. I could fight him just a little bit more. But you know what, he found out what i was doing to resist him. Then he made into a monster. He no longer killed the ones i cared about, instead, he made me do it. He made me do it but only to your cousin. He made me kill her Ambrose. Over and over.

Ambrose: Nick, that wasn't you. It wasn't real.

Nick: What makes you think saying that will make me less miserable? Even now that I'm free of him, he still haunts me. He made it so if ever I get free of him, i could never be myself again. At least she doesn't remember me. For i don't think i can ever go near her again. I'm afraid of what i can do to her. I am grateful of what you and the coven did to me Ambrose, but i sure don't feel any less different.


A: Where are you going, Nick?

N: I need a drink and some alone time, if i may.

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