I believe i just found something

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Spellman's Mortuary

Sabrina: (Opened the door)

Hilda: Sabrina darling, is that you?

S: Yes Auntie.

H: Come over here and let's fill you up for a bit.

S: No thanks Auntie, I'm heading to Ambrose's room.

Ambrose: We're here cousin.

Sabrina's eyebrows met. "Weren't they in a hurry to find a spell?" she thought, but she went to the kitchen anyways and was surprised at what she saw. There were books everywhere. Prudence and Ambrose were eating while reading books. 

S: What's all this?

H: We were reading up lamb, to see if there is anything we could find to help.

A: Then we came home and Auntie gave us this miracle food. I feel like I can last for the next 48hrs without eating anything or sleeping for that matter.

H: (smiled) Well, I figured we needed the energy. So eat up darling. (and she placed a meal on an empty spot at the table).

S: (she was touched at the gesture) Thanks Auntie. (looked around) Where's Aunt Zelda?

A: (whispering) She's at the reading room. (normal voice) Apparently, they've been busy here as well. 

H: We're really sorry darling.

S: (hugged Hilda) I know Auntie. (Then she sat down and ate the food Aunt Hilda gave her while Hilda went back to the reading room.)


A: (just finished a book and was having a quick break) So, I assume you talked to Nicholas earlier? Any changes?

S: (nodded) And i gave him some food. He's really having a hard time telling the difference between reality and hallucinations.

A: We'll find something.

Just then, they heard footsteps coming down from the reading room. Hilda and Zelda appeared on the doorway.

Zelda: I believe I just found something. (She went to the kitchen table and placed the book infront of Ambrose.) It is an ancient spell and it requires great strength and preparation.

A: Yes, this is it.

P: (bend over and checked the book) A spell to access a person's deepest memories. But see here, we need something from Nick, and not just something of his, it needs to be something with a deep connection to him.

S: The ring he gave me!

They all looked at Sabrina.

Z: I'm sorry, was there a proposal you forgot to tell us?

S: No aunt Z, it was a ring that his parents gave him before they died. 

H: And you have it because?

S: I forgot to return it. But when i did, he told me to keep it (then her voice went to a whisper) to protect me.

A: (heard her whisper) That's perfect!

P: We need to drain him of his energy as well (who was still studying the spell).

S: Why is that?

A: (checked the part Prudence was reading) Well, he must be willing to give up his memories but with Nick's condition right now, i doubt he will give us his consent so, we need to drain his energy, which, despite his condition, hasn't really been depleted. He's magical abilities are still as strong as before. It might not be stable but they're still there.

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