You'll have to figure things out on our own

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Sabrina's room
Midnight ~

Sabrina woke up tearing up, feeling this ache in her heart. She blinked a couple of times and a tear fell from her eyes. She remembered how her day went yesterday.


A couple of days had passed since she and Nick talked, ever since she went to his room and he woke up screaming. For the first time, she followed her Aunt's advice and gave him a couple of days, she didn't even go to the Academy but yesterday, she was determined to talk to him. She was looking for him when she walked past Prudence.

Sabrina: Prudence! Have you seen Nick?

Prudence: I have.

S: Where is he? 

P: He's probably at Dorian's again.

S: (sighed) Do you know --- what's happening with him?

P: You know Sabrina, I would've thought you'd have figured things out by now.

S: (her eyebrows met) What do you mean by that?

P: As much as i'd like to tell you, I can't. You'll have to figure things out on our own. And you and I both know how much you're good at that. (left)

S: What --- ? (sighed then transported herself at Dorian's)

When she popped in at Dorians', Sabrina saw Nick fighting with two other warlocks and everyone around them was just watching and cheering. When she saw that Nick was already bleeding all over, she rushed over to drag Nick out of there. She transported her to the mortuary.

S: What were you doing? (she took a cloth intending to wipe the blood on Nick's face)

N: Relax Sabrina, we're just having fun.

S: FUN! FUN?! Well I surely didn't see anyone laughing Nicholas. Those two warlocks were bigger than you! You could've been killed.

N: Yes, well then mission accomplished.

S: (felt bewildered) You were trying to get killed? But why?

N: You wouldn't understand.

S: Then make me understand.

N: You're not hearing me Sabrina, YOU WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND! Just leave me alone. (Got up and tried to leave)

S: So it's just like that? You're just gonna leave without even telling me anything?

N: (turned around and there were no emotions in his eyes) Pretty much.

S: So, everything you told me, was it all just ---

N: A lie.

S: (tears were forming in her eyes) I don't believe that.

N: (laughed) Incase you didn't notice Sabrina, i'm a warlock. And this, what you're seeing right now? It's the real me, if you don't like it, i don't care because YOU don't know me.


N: I was going to.

Back to reality ~

Her pillows were wet again from her tears. She tried countless times to figure out what went wrong but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't understand it. She refused to believe anything Nick told her. "That can't be the real him", she thought. "Or is it?". Then Prudence's words just came back to her, "You know Sabrina, i would've thought you'd have figured things out by now. As much as I'd like to tell you, I can't. You'll have to figure things out on our own. And you and I both know how much you're good at that." Then she also remembered what Dorian told her, "Are you ever gonna find out the truth?". And like magic, her conversation with Elspeth way back when they we're talking about Nick also flashed in her mind, "I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell. You might just want to talk to your Aunt about that." And at once, she wiped her tears, got up and got dressed then transported herself to the Academy.

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