I must be hallucinating

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Outside the High Priestess office

Sabrina: (Hearing voices outside the door)

"We need to act now if we don't want to be doomed", "But this is insane, how can Blackwood not withstand him?", "I suspect he has submitted himself rather than try and keep him trapped"

Sabrina: (opened the door) Lilith?

Zelda: Sabrina, haven't I taught you how to knock?

S: What's going on here? Any trouble with my father?

Lilith: Oh, so you have finally accepted that part huh?

S: (irritated) I just came by to say bye to my Aunt Zelda. I'm heading home Auntie. (walks out and bumps into Ambrose)

Ambrose: Woaw! Lost in thought, cousin?

S: Ambrose, what do you know about what happened with the acheron that trapped the dark lord?

A: Just --- that it's in Hell. Why?

S: Well, Madam Satan is in Auntie Zelda's office and I heard something that I couldn't quite understand.

A: Were they speaking in Latin? (asked jokingly)

S: No. Just something that didn't make any sense. (she told Ambrose what she heard)

A: I'll ahh--- I'll try and ask our Aunt, she might tell me.

S: Ok, then tell me?

A: But of course.

S: I'm heading home.

A: Take care cousin, oh ah, are you joining Lupercalia tomorrow?

S: I am.

A: (eyebrows met)

S: (just winked at him and left)



The next day at The Matching

Sabrina: (spotted Nick across the room who was talking with Ambrose, their eyes met and she smiled at him)

Ambrose: Fellow witches and warlock, welcome to Lupercalia, the Festival of the Wolves. Now take your places for the Matching! And ladies, you know how this goes. When the music stops, take a seat on the warlock closest to you.

Sabrina took her place but then a sudden image flashed into her mind, an image of her participating in the ceremony. "That can't be right", she thought. Just then, Ambrose started to play the violin and they started the ceremonial dance. She's pretty confident that she will be partnered with Nick. She and Elspeth added something on their drinks to make Nick look undesirable. And when the music stopped, she sat down Nick's lap who was smiling at her. Just then, another image started to flash in her mind. It was an image of Dorcas sitting down Nick's lap.

Sabrina: Have you been partnered with Dorcas before?

Nick: No. why do you ask?

S; Nothing, I must be hallucinating.

N: So, we've been matched.

S: I told you I had a way.

N: I'm impressed.

Then they stood up.

Ambrose: Congratulations witches and warlock, you have been matched. Tonight, you and your paramour shall go into the woods and re-enact the Courting. See you then.

S: (turned to Nick) What happens tonight? During the Courting?

N: Well, each couple will go into the woods and disrobe and anoint themselves and lie under the Lupercalian moon, as an act of absorbing the potency of the Goddess Selene. (saw the nervousness in her face) Are you sure you wanna do this?

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