You better find another way

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Nick's room

That Night

Nick: (sending a telepathic message to Ambrose) Ambrose, head to my room.

Ambrose: (teleported and sees Nick trembling) What's the matter, mate?

N: Probably a side effect of the concoction, a warning that its effects are running out. I need one again Ambrose.

A: (got a blanket and covered him) Prudence said they have another one in brewing, it'll probably be ready for tomorrow. I will bring it here straight away once it is.

N: Thank you, Ambrose.

A: I will be back. (teleported and came back almost at once) Drink this. It's a potion for dreamless sleep. It'll help you sleep without the horrific dreams from the Dark Lord.

N: (Drank it and fell asleep).


Outside the weird sister's room

The next morning~ (Saturday)

Ambrose was just about to knock but then he heard people talking. "I can still handle it", "Let's tell somebody at least.", "No Pru, not yet. I will try and find other ways, please let me handle it". Then he decided to knock on the door.

Prudence: Come in.

A: (opened the door). Nicholas, I was just about to get the concoction and head to your room.

Nick: It's fine Ambrose, I already have it. Thanks again (gave Prudence a meaningful look, nodded then left)

A: What was all that arguing about?

P: Nothing. (then smiled at him) Now don't tell me you just came here for the concoction.

A: Of Course not (kissed her).



Cassius: Good Morning Nicholas. You're early today.

Nick: Any more books for me today Cassius?

C: Yes, I've stalked them at the same spot you were reading yesterday.

N: Thanks

He headed at the corner and continued reading where he left yesterday before he went to the woods to meet Sabrina. "Sabrina". His heart lept. He remembered the kiss they shared. He smiled but it slowly faded from his face. It shouldn't have happened. He already felt the concoction weakening after their channeling lesson and yet he still agreed to go with her. Who knows what would've happened if right then and there the effect of the concoction had stopped. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he did anything with Sabrina. His argument with Prudence suddenly came to mind


Nick: (woke up no longer trembling but headed straight at the room of the Weird Sisters, luckily, it was only Prudence who was there.) Hey Pru, i came to get the concoction.

Prudence: (handed it to him but took it back)You know how dangerous this is, don't you?

N: (stared at her) How'd you know?

P: Are you really willing to risk it?

N: Yes

P: This is outrageous Nicholas. You better find another way ---

N: I am working on it, okay Prudence.

P: How can you say that when your mind is not stable to begin with?

N: Prudence, i know how it works. I just need time to fix it.

P: Where did you get it?

N: That's none of your business. Can i have it now?

P: (hesitated but handed it to him anyway)

N: I can still handle it.

P: Let's tell somebody at least.

N: No Pru, not yet. I will try and find other ways, please let me handle it.

"It's true", he thought, he needed to find other ways so that he could still keep his head. But he needs to do it fast.


Spellman's Residence (kitchen)

Ambrose: Good Morning cousin! Slept in i see.

Sabrina: I had the weirdest dream too.

Ambrose: Oh yeah? What's it about?

Sabrina: I dreamt we were somewhere dark. Kinda like in the mines, and there was like a door closing, and i just felt this sadness and i went to the door after it closed. And just cried there for hours. I even woke up with tears in my eyes.

Ambrose: Has there been any dream like this before?

Sabrina: If there had, i don't remember. Coz just the other night i woke up with tears in my eyes. Do you think it means something?

Ambrose: [She's starting to have dreams about Nick being dragged to Hell. Maybe she is starting to remember]

Sabrina: Ambrose?

Ambrose: Huh?

Sabrina: What's on your mind?

Ambrose: Oh, nothing, just got lost in thought.

Sabrina: You don't think my dreams have anything to do with the Lucifer, do you?

Ambrose: Nah. Unless you are suddenly missing your father that's why your crying.

Sabrina: Yeah right. So, where have you been?

A: The Academy.

S: But it's the weekend.

A: Can't I go there over the weekends?

S: (rolled her eyes) Why don't you stay there like Auntie Zee.

A: (chuckled) No thank you cousin. Any plans for today?

S: None.

A: So, no plans with Nicholas then?

S: How -- ? (gave him a questioning look)

A: I hear you both have been --- closer.

S: So what if we are?

A: You like him then?

S: I don't know --- what do you know about him? He stayed at the Academy before.

A: Well, during his stay there, i was imprisoned here, remember?

S: Right. He's been, cagey about himself. He just started opening up yesterday until ---

A: Until?

Sabrina got lost in thought as she traveled back to their kiss at the very kitchen they were in. After the kiss they shared, he just left and this made her restless all night. Did she cross a line she shouldn't have? But the way he kissed me, she thought, it felt like he was longing for someone. Was it her? Couldn't have been, she thought. Did he imagine her as his special someone while they kissed? In the end, she couldn't get an answer and decided to pretend like the kiss never happened and she started feeling annoyed at herself saying, "It's just a kiss Sabrina, it's no big deal"

A: Cousin?

S: uhhh, until he said he had to go back to the Academy and left.

A: Have you been with him all day?

S: No, I just met him during the afternoon at the woods.

A: (gave her a teasing smile) The woods?

S: Oh, not that Ambrose, we just practiced channeling.

A: Channeling?

S: Yeah, why.

A: I just realized cousin, i have to go.

S: Go where?

But Ambrose already teleported.

Forgotten ~ Nabrina AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora