Chapter 16

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I had to leave pretty quickly after Sadie read the papers.  The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, and I could tell Noah sensed how awkward it had become.  Neither of us really knew what to do.  She just kept looking at me, but for once I couldn't tell what she was thinking.  Noah made and excuse to leave, breaking the deafening silence, I went with him without a goodbye to Sadie, I needed to get out of there.... fast. 

This wasn't a simple situation, our careers could be on the line. I didn't even know what Sadie and I were.  My brain hurt, I was confused and I didn't want to think about it anymore.  But my mind kept going back to Sadie's eyes, the way she was trying to tell me something but the message got lost in the dark blue color. I knew from the moment she uttered those words that whatever we were would have to end. It hurt but I pushed it down, like I do with everything, and decided not the think about it. 

 Noah and I walked side by side for a while, not really knowing what to do. I had never really been close with Noah but he seemed like a good guy, just not the type I would be best mates with. I suppose we had different interests, he enjoyed the fame and found making friends easy.  He was outgoing and confident and I envied him for that.  I enjoyed the film side of what I do, I've always loved directing and I originally got into acting to see the behind the scenes of all this stuff.  But the fame side is tricky for me, I hate having everyone's eyes on me sometimes, it makes everything have this extra weight like I'm always going to disappoint someone. 

Noah nudged my side and pointed to where Millie and Caleb were eating at a bench just outside the tent where the crew usually get their food.  Millie smiled wide and waved at us excitedly, and I smiled because for once I could tell I wasn't the one she was excited about seeing. Her eyes were only on Noah, and I was happy for her, it was about time.  But my heart dropped when I remembered that they couldn't be together either, not properly. 

Millie got up and hugged us both before returning to her breakfast burrito, Caleb just nodded his head and cocked a smile at the corner of his mouth.  "Where have you guys been, Noah I've been waiting for ages," Millie said pulling him down onto the bench next to her. 
Noah smiled, "Well I went to see if Sadie was up and you'll never guess-" 
"I caught up with him as he was walking over, " I said quickly interrupting him, he looked at me confused but eventually shrugged and picked at some of Millie's breakfast burrito. 

"I came past your trailer, you weren't there last night," Caleb said to me with a nudge, "sneaking out with one of your girls again?" he said with a laugh and I just joined him instead of answering. Noah shot me a subtle glance, and I hoped he knew to keep his mouth shut. Luckily Millie was there to quickly change the subject so I didn't actually have to answer Caleb.  "So we have the day off today, maybe we should do some stuff together, I've been so bored recently." 

I rubbed the back of my neck and gave her a bashful smile, "Actually my friends from IT are leaving town in a few days so I was going to spend the day with them." 
"Perfect, that sounds great," she said in her high pitched accent, I threw her a confused smile, was she happy about me ditching them? 
"Well we're obviously all coming with, I love your friends," she patronizingly.  I gave a quick awkward laugh and shrugged. 
It was agreed we would all meet in an hour to head over to the hotel in Caleb's car. 

Caleb and I waited patiently by his car, it had been ten minutes since we were supposed to meet and I was starting to wonder if the other two had forgotten when they finally appeared in the parking lot.  As they came closer I could see Sadie trailing sheepishly behind Millie and Noah, and my heart leaped into my throat. Caleb turned to me, "Ugh Sadie's here," he whispered with an eye roll. I elbowed him in the ribs and reminded him that he was once head over heels for the girl.  He made a disgusted noise, gave a quick wave to the trio and got into the driver's seat. 

Millie called shotgun so I had to be squashed in the back with Sadie and Noah.  Noah sat between us and I tried not to look at Sadie the whole car ride, if I pretend she isn't there then maybe the heavy feeling in my gut will slowly fade.  This was going to be a long day. 
The hotel quickly came into view and I could see the odd group of my friends fucking around outside the lobby.  I tried not to think of the last time I was at the hotel, it was such a perfect day and everything changed so quickly after that. I wish I could go back to a few days ago.

We pulled up and I was practically dragged out the car by Jack and pulled into a hug that was a bit too tight and breathing became hard.  Wyatt finally pried him off me and dragged me into yet another hug, a more comfortable one. Jaeden joined in and so did Sofia and soon I was in the middle of a mass of bodies. I couldn't help laughing and pushing them off me eventually.  It felt weird without Chosen there, he had to leave a few days early for some music stuff back in LA. Chosen was always the one who could calm us down and sooth our petty arguments and without him I couldn't help but feel anxious. 

Everyone else got out the car and greeted each other.  Sofia immediately launched into conversation with Sadie and I felt my heart swell with pride at how well they got along.  I always wanted my two world's to join together seamlessly and now it was actually happening.  Jack greeted Millie and Noah with gusto, he never did anything halfheartedly, not even the small stuff.  Caleb was thrown in with Wyatt and Jaeden and suddenly I felt very out of place standing there by myself.  I didn't know what to do, they were all deep in conversation and laughing... without me.  I felt useless and awkward, something that never happened around my friends, panic started to rise in my throat and I had to swallow my anxiety. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all. 


Thought you guys would appreciate a more Finn centric chapter
Sorry for the late update but I have so many plans with this fic
I appreciate you all and thanks so much for reading this trash, it makes my day to read your comments so feel free to give your thoughts 
<3 Holz

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