Chapter 8

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Millie had been rummaging through her cupboard forever, occasionally pulling out random pieces of clothing and muttering quietly to herself about how this or that could be cute together.  I sat on her bed in the cramped room and watched her with wide eyes pick things I could never have dreamed would go together but somehow she made it work. She made me stand up and turn around humming in thought before pulling out a silky pink top and jeans.  She held them up to me and nodded, clearly in her own world. 
"Change quickly, we still need to do makeup," she said tossing the outfit into my arms.

It was very flattering and suited me well but it wasn't too flashy, Millie had a way with clothes I couldn't really understand. She had chosen a little black dress for herself and was stressing over trying to find the right bra, one that wouldn't show out the strappy back.  I turned to her makeup mirror, there was a pimple on my chin, I'd need to cover that up. Maybe even a bit of mascara. My hair was fine how it was right? Right? What would Finn think, would he like it? Did it matter? Oh screw all this, I never care about how I look and I'm not gonna start now. 

Millie looked over and could obviously see my worrying in the mirror, 
"Could I do your makeup and your hair?" She smiled at me pleadingly.
"Okay." I sighed and she squealed before turning back and yanking out mountains of bras that didn't fit her fancy.

At nine we were finally ready to go, I had to admit Millie had done a great job and I felt beautiful. My hair fell down around my shoulders in soft curls and my eyes sparkled under the mascara and blush tinted eye shadow.  We headed out the door huddled in our Winter coats, it was freezing.  The walk wasn't long and soon we were welcomed by Noah who was waiting for us half way there, at his own trailer.  Noah also looked good as always in a plain shirt and jeans nothing different. I started to panic whether Millie and I had done too much for tonight but I came to the conclusion that we looked amazing and that's all that mattered.

Noah carelessly slipped an arm around each of us and told us that tonight was going to be great. We didn't have any filming tomorrow night and we could get as smashed as we wanted. 
"Noah, we're still underage!"
"Don't be such a bore Sadie," he said bringing a bottle of vodka out from under her coat,
"Look what I stole from Joe's trailer the other week, this party is going to be ... fun," he said with a wink.  I scrunched up my nose and Millie hit him lightly on the chest but eventually we ended up giggling about the mischief we could cause.

We finally came to the clearing outside Finn's trailer, a bonfire was already burning and a group of teenagers were standing around it chatting happily.  Some faces I didn't recognize others were familiar.  Finn saw us and left the group to welcome us.
"Glad you guys were able to make it, there's food and drinks inside."  
Millie rushed up and hugged him excitedly, "Omg, you need to introduce us to your friends." Finn nodded but first came to greet Noah and I.  The boys did the weird hand shake hug pat thing guys do while Millie huffed off to the side at not immediately being introduced to people.  Then Finn turned to me, lent down and hugged me sweetly. 
"Thanks for coming."
"No problem." I said with a tight chest and rosy cheeks.  

Finn just smiled and turned back to Millie, "Come on Mills, I'll give you the tour." They walked off into the group of teenagers and for the millionth time today I told myself to pull myself together. Noah followed eagerly and I did too, a little meeker and more cautious.  Suddenly a familiar face poked through the crowd and smiled at me, I think his name was Jack, he had visited Finn while filming a few times and even came to a few premiers.  I smiled back awkwardly and watched as Millie hung on Finn like a koala.  My chest felt heavy watching them, they were perfect together, the entire world thought so too and was it even worth denying anymore.  Beside me Noah had also gone quiet, I followed his line of sight and saw he was also focused on Finn and Millie, maybe we were both screwed. 

Jack came and reintroduced himself and was delighted to talk to me, apparently he had heard a lot about me.  I doubt that. Noah and him seemed to hit it off and I walked over to the main group to try and meet the others.  Finn saw me and immediately detached himself from Millie, "Guys, this is Sadie, our resident redhead. "  The girl I didn't know laughed.
"Looks like I have some competition, My name's Sofia by the way." she did a little wave to me but ultimately she seemed to be pretty attached to the boy on her left.  He had soft brown curly hair and a kind face.
"And my name's Wyatt." He said with a warm smile.  Finn pulled me under his arm and went around the group.  
"This is Jaeden, you already know Jack, Caleb and Gaten should be coming any minute now." 

The boy who I assumed was Jaeden also smiled at me from across the small circle. I could already tell how close they all were. Finn launched into conversation with Wyatt about a new movie that was coming out, his arm still around me and I couldn't help but lean into him a little.  He was obviously just being nice but his side was so warm I zoned out and just wanted to stay here by the fire with Finn forever. 

Millie and Noah were laughing away with Jack while Jaeden and Sofia, obviously the quieter ones in the group, interjecting with a comment every once in a while. But I still caught the look Millie shot me when she thought nobody was looking and it made my stomach turn quickly.  I detached myself from Finn and looked over to see my saving grace.  Caleb and Gaten were walking up, joy burst up from my chest at seeing Gaten and I was suddenly struck by how much I had missed him.  I ran up and practically tackled him with a hug.  He hadn't grown much and we were nearly the same height, in fact it's almost as if he hadn't changed at all.  I shot a quick , "hi," to Caleb before everyone gathered around and hugs were all around. 

The unease in my stomach seemed to settle as we all caught up on life and how Gaten's girlfriend was.  I felt content again that was until things started to die down again and Noah brought out that bottle of vodka proposing we all make a toast.  Caleb said we should go inside and play a drinking game and an eruption of cheers followed.  We all flocked inside, high on doing something we aren't supposed to and sat in a circle like middle schoolers to play truth or dare. giggling to ourselves not knowing the trouble that was about to ensue. 


are you tired of me yet, I'm a little sick right now.
but I swear when I'm ready I will fly us out of here 


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