Chapter 5

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from here on things start to get hectic, I've been doing this long enough to know by now.  We were in the middle of filming but producers wanted the publicity to start buzzing. Pictures needed to be in Magazines, on billboards, everywhere.  This season has definitely been more of a time crunch than the last ones; I've barely had time to breathe.  But today all us kids are taking a break to go to some fancy photo shoot.  I hate taking pictures, especially of myself but it will be a relief to get off of set for a while.

My mom offered to take Noah and Millie up to the shoot, and they were talking away all the way up there. I turned the music up and we all sung at the tops of our voices, drove my mom up the wall.  Noah stuck his head out the window like a dog and Millie tried desperately to pull him back inside.  My best friends were crazy and sometimes I cannot understand what they are thinking.  But I love them, I always have.  Noah might be crazy and wild but he was fun  and kind and lovable, although I know he would trade me for a cheese burger if given the chance, he has always been obsessed with food.  Millie may seem stuck up at first but she means well and once you get to know her she is the most amazing girl I've ever met.  She was sweet and you could tell her anything and know it was secret, she also had the most amazing smile, she could cheer you up from anything in a bat of her eyelashes. 

Once we arrived I immediately felt shy, while Millie and Noah bounced into the studio I lagged behind worried about people focusing on me.  Sometimes I really just wanted to fade into the background, which is really hard when everyone knows your face from TV. The boys were meeting us here but they were late as usual.  The studio shone bright white floor to ceiling. Large umbrella like lights loomed over my head and huge cameras stood on tripods as tall as me.  I started to play with my fingers as Noah excitedly planned out what type of poses he wanted to do "to attract all the ladies".  Millie haphazardly told him to shut up between giggles, but whatever Noah was saying got lost when Caleb and Finn burst through the doors.  They were clearly out of breath and carried McDonald's packets clutched in their hands. I couldn't help but laugh at their worried faces, they obviously thought they were late. 

Millie joined me laughing at the boys and soon we were all in stitches.  Soon enough the photographer came in and gave us a briefing on what she wanted.  Apparently we were going to be divided into pairs firstly and later shoot together in a group. She cleared her throat, "So your producers have told us the main pairs for this season, Finn and Sadie will be shooting with my assistant Anna, Millie and Caleb will be shooting with me and Noah gets to shoot all by himself with our newest photographer Mark. Does that sound okay to everyone?" 

We all nodded but Millie looked confused, "Sorry, but that can't be right, I'm usually with Finn." The photographer smiled sweetly, "No, I'm quite sure that's what your producer told me, maybe this season switches it up a little." Millie looked a little put out after that but she soon returned to her regular bubbly self when the chance to take pictures occurred. Millie was a natural at this stuff.   Finn grabbed my arm and tugged me over to the outfit's rack. He smiled, "I don't think I've ever had a photo shoot with just you before." 

The outfits were all eighties inspired, I chose a cute yellow dress with ruffles. Finn looked lost in front of the rack.  I pulled out a leather jacket for him and a white tee.  I handed it to him and he looked grateful for the help and headed straight into the change room without a word.  There was something about Finn, he didn't need to be loud or in your face for you to know exactly what he means.  We changed and a young woman with a professional camera came up to greet us, I assumed she was Anna.  She was nice and said it was up to us what we wanted to do for the photos.  Internally panicking I turned to Finn, and the terror must have been clear on my face because he laughed and told me not to worry. 

The shoot was over in a blink and I actually found myself enjoying shooting with Finn, he would make me laugh then grab my hand and a light would flash from behind us and the photo was great.  It came naturally and we ended up dancing goofy dances all over the studio to music hummed under our breathe.  By the end my face was red with laughter and my cheeks were sore.  Finn, out of breath, thanked me, "My lady what a privilege it was to have this dance, unfortunately we have other engagements to attend to." He bowed dramatically and strode over to Millie and Caleb's shoot on the other side of the warehouse.  

My nerves were calmed for once, Finn seemed to have this effect on me more and more. I wasn't even nervous for the group photos, even if I was next to the most beautiful girl in the world.  Soon enough we all spilled out onto the street, Caleb and Finn heavy in debate over some new video game. Watching them I realized how relieved I was to not have to shoot with Caleb, things were still tense between us and I couldn't figure out why. We had broken up close to a year ago and we definitely didn't still have feelings for each other but it's almost as if we had forgotten how to be friends again. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Noah suggesting, very loudly, that we all go and get ice-cream. 


Hi everyone I really tried to make this chapter a bit longer 

I hope you like it and I really  love it when you guys leave comments so thank you.

- Holly:)

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