Chapter 9

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Everyone started to move inside my cramped trailer, at least it was warmer and although it was a squeeze everyone seemed to find a place to sit.  Even if it was on each other's laps I thought while looking at Sofia blushing terribly on top of Wyatt.  But I couldn't help smiling to myself they were pretty perfect even if they didn't realize it yet. We had all been waiting for them to get together since the IT days, they even had their own Netflix show now. 

Jack sat to my right, I turned to see him laughing and babbling with Caleb about something I couldn't quite care to pay attention to. I had considered Jack my best friend for a long time and we had been through everything, both ups and downs. He had been going through a tough time lately and I just hope this party might take some stuff off his mind. He would never admit it to himself but I could see him quietly suffering behind his wide smiles.  I wasn't sure what was exactly going on, we had hardly talked these past few months but I just hoped he was resisting the temptation of turning to harder drugs or anything like that in order to cope. 

On my other side Caleb sat beaming at Noah who was sloppily trying to pour shots for everyone. I'd definitely consider Caleb my best friend at the moment, just by the sheer amount of time we spend together on set.  I was wary of him at first, he was older, he seemed cooler, he didn't look like he wanted much to do with me.  But after time I was able to crack that tough shell and under it he's a lot more caring than he seems at first glance.

Deep down I knew we shouldn't be drinking, it had been drilled into us since we were children, but I think we were all feeling a little exhilarated at the thought of leaving the real world behind for a while. I knew we were all under a lot of stress due to our given career.  And the lure of alcohol and going wild with our friends was too tempting to turn down. 

Across from me sat Sadie, Millie and Noah.  Those three always seemed to travel in a pack I found it a little weird actually especially when I wanted to talk to one of them alone.  Noah finally had all the shot glasses ready and proposed we spice it up with a drinking game. 
"Truth or Dare!" Millie squealed, 
"What are we kids?" Caleb asked with a roll of his eyes. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm up for it, that could be fun, if you don't want to answer a truth or do a dare you take a shot alright." 
The small of circle of teenagers nodded and the game begun. 


"Okay who's going to go first?" I asked making direct eye contact with Finn opposite me, he looked at me with a smirk and raised his eyebrows as if asking a silent question: Are you ready for this? I nodded and winked at him.  Alcohol hadn't entered my bloodstream yet but I was already feeling a surge of confidence. 
"Millie should go first, she wanted to play this." Caleb said with a short laugh. 
"Okay, ask me then," Millie said eyeing down Caleb harshly.  Caleb quickly backed up and laughed heartily,
"No need to be feisty Mills, Truth or Dare." 
Millie pretended to think for a second, "truth, I'm going to play it safe." 
Caleb laughed, "Okay are you a virgin?" 

Millie spluttered and looked shocked, "Caleb! You can't ask that." I laughed and Millie nearly hit me. Caleb smirked, "I just did Mills, answer or drink."  Millie turned as red as a tomato and I suddenly felt sorry for her.  She got quiet and raised her drink, took the shot, gagged and set it back on the table to be refilled by Noah who eagerly grabbed the bottle of vodka.  Caleb snickered and whispered something to Gaten, Gaten hid a laugh and I couldn't help but thinking that boys are weird. 

Millie seemed to have recovered from the embarrassment and turned to her left. "Jack Truth or Dare?"  Jack smiled broadly and chose dare. "I dare you to give Jaeden a  lap dance." Jack burst out laughing and so did Finn, Jaeden on the other hand looked horrified at the idea. Jack sprung up and over to Jaeden and started to twerk precariously on him. Jaeden eventually pushed him off with gusto and a dead pan face.  The rest of us were in stitches as Jaeden reached for his shot and downed it before cracking a chuckle. Noah quickly refilled his shot and Jaeden turned to the tangled mess that was both Wyatt and Sofia.  "Wyatt Truth or Dare."

Wyatt peaked out from under Sofia at his name being mentioned and looked genuinely scared at it being Jaeden who had asked him. "Um ... uh ... dare.. no no truth, yea truth." 
An evil expression crossed Jaeden's  face and I didn't really know them well but I could tell that something was going to go down. 
"Is it true you've liked Sofia since you were 14?" Jaeden glanced around at his other friends and they were all smirking, Finn even leaned over to high five him. Wyatt's face fell, I didn't understand what the big deal was weren't they dating?  Wyatt slowly reaching for his shot to the laughing of his friends told me otherwise.  

The game went on for a while until I think everyone was sufficiently drunk or at least tipsy. I was probably the most sober and even I was feeling a significant buzz and warmth in my chest. "Sadie, truth or dare." I turned to Jack who was waiting for my answer.
"Dare," I said giggling but with more confidence than I had done sober. 
Jack got an evil look in his eye, similar to Jaeden earlier, like he knew something I didn't know. 
"I dare you to go and sit on Finn's lap." he said with a snicker and Jaeden reached over to pat him on the back as if he had done a good job.  

The buzz was running through my veins and I wanted to go sit on Finn's lap, I saw him looking at me from the opposite side of the circle, he was seeing what I'd do next.  I smirked and got up slowly.  Jack hollered and Jaeden looked as if he was going to have a fit with excitement.  Finn looked shocked and stared as I slowly lowered myself until my thighs rested securely on his.  Butterflies soared in my stomach but I told myself to just calm down it was just a dare.  Millie was all but passed out on top of Noah and she wouldn't care in this state.  Maybe it didn't even matter if she cared or not, she didn't own Finn. I turned to Gaten, "Truth or dare," 

Of course Gaten chose dare, and being myself I dared him to strip naked and streak through the set which was just outside. Everyone howled and flocked outside to watch the crazy boy do it.  Gaten had the reputation that he would do anything when given a dare.  Noah hauled Millie up and followed everyone out, i was about to follow but I felt hands on my hips keeping me where I was.  Finn had been frozen this whole time beneath me suddenly started to shift.  

His hands pulled me back towards him and I could feel his breath on my neck. "You didn't have to do that dare you know, I could handle it." His hands rubbed up and down my sides and I realized just how big his hands were. I noticed we were alone in the trailer, I started to lean back a little more, "What if I wanted to do it," I said moving my hips, testing the waters as he slowly started grinding back.  I shouldn't be doing this but my rational side was slowly being won over. 

Suddenly Noah burst back into the trailer, "Sadie you need to see this, he's actually doing it, Jack double dared him to-" his vision panned down to us still sitting in the chair, "oh jeez did I interrupt something?" I jumped off Finn and nearly lost my balance. 
"No sorry Noah I'm just tired, what's he doing," I said with fake enthusiasm. I looked back at Finn who held his head in his hands and had quickly grabbed a pillow to place in his lap. 

Noah lead me back outside obviously too drunk to realize what had really been going on, actually thank god Noah walked in. 


Hey guys I hope you don't mind a quick authors note: 

Just for the record I don't condone underage drinking or underage sex. I'd really also like to focus a little more on the side characters like Jack and Caleb and I have a lot of plans for this in the future. But I'd also love to hear your comments on what has happened or ideas you guys have for the future mostly just because I love hearing from you guys.  I'd like to explore a whole load of ideas in here and thank you so much for your support and sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks. I'll try be more constant and I know I'm not the best but I'm trying so anyway I love you all and just thank you for taking your time to read this trash. 

Go stream the Aubreys coz they gud 

xoxo Holly

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