Chapter 10

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My head pounded as I sat up in my bed, the light streaming through the crack in my curtains felt like it was going right through my brain and frying it as it went. I didn't remember how I got back to my trailer or let alone into bed and into my pajamas.  I rummaged around for some Aspirin and choked it down with a gulp of stale water which had probably been out on that counter for a few days. 

My phone was blowing up with messages and flashes from last night started coming back to me in waves. I had several missed calls from Millie and one from Noah, messages from Gaten and Finn... Finn... oh shit.  Memories seemed to hit me like a truck, what it had felt like being so close to him, even for a brief time.  I couldn't help but bury my head in my hands, I must've embarrassed myself so much last night.  

I opened my Messages; 
Mills: OMG I cannot believe how wasted we got last night
Mills: You so need to fill me in I think I blacked out
Mills: Are you ok?
Mills: Please say you got back safely, Noah said he didn't see you. 
Mills: Noah took me home, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!
Mills: OMFG Sadie pick up the damn phone
Mills: Ugh 
Mills: Call me

I couldn't help but chuckle and quickly typed out a message and made a mental note to call her later.
You: I'll call you l8r, what happened tho, I don't even remember how I got back lol 

I held my breath and opened Finn's chat;
Finn: Hey I hope you enjoyed last night, I know I did ;)

Okay that wasn't too bad maybe I didn't need to be too embarrassed I mean everyone does stupid things when their drunk right? Finn didn't seem phased in fact the text seemed flirty and that made my chest tighten. 
You: Great party :) 
That should be fine right maybe I should be more flirty, no no he's obviously joking about all of this, with that final thought I pressed send. I opened Gaten's chat next, who's I was least nervous for. 

Gaten: Hey I hope you got to bed alright Finn and I  basically had to carry you back to your                             trailer. Also take some aspirin I think you're going to have a massive hangover!

I laughed to myself, I'm so lucky to have such good friends who will take care of me even when I'm passed out. 
You: Thanks a million! My head hurts so bad!

I put my phone down and decided to have a cup of tea, it was still relatively early and I could maybe get a workout in or read a book if this headache would just go away.  I couldn't seem to get Finn out of my head. With every aching stab of my fading headache his face would appear.  I groaned as I sipped my tea. I remembered what it felt like having his hands on my waist and hips and his breath on my neck, I remember what he smelt like and it was all intoxicating. I couldn't help myself from wanting more.

The sound of a shrill ringing of my phone dragged me from my thoughts and luckily I was greeted by a bubbly sounding Millie on the other end.  "Oh my God Sadie, last night was wild, I got soooooo smashed you don't even understand."  I chuckled but couldn't help but cringe and shush her to make her lower her voice.
"I have the worst headache, do you mind just whispering," I said through gritted teeth at her squeals. 
"Oh sorry," she said in a chirpy whisper, barely audible above the thump, thump, thump in my skull. "I'm just excited, but I'm sorry I guess I forget some people get hangovers." 
Millie was one of those lucky few who could pass out drunk and wake up completely fine, I envied her. 
"Now what's all this you've got to tell me," I said.

"Alright you might want to sit down it's a bit of a long story," her volume was back to normal and I held the phone further from my ear. "So I got really smashed last night and Noah walked or rather carried me back to my trailer. By the time we got there I had started to sober up a tad and he sat me down and made me some coffee, ah isn't he just the sweetest?" I smiled to myself and my curiosity was peaked at where this story was going to lead my two best friends. 
"Anyway I was nearly sober and we started just talking for hours about deep stuff you know? like the really deep stuff, the stuff that matters.  We must have been a few hours in when Noah he just suddenly leaned forward and kissed me, he kissed me Sadie can you believe it."

I could believe it actually I had seen the longing glances and the extra effort Noah put in when it came to Millie and how it was almost natural. They would act like kids together and pull pranks, things that the rest of us would find boring but they took endless joy in each other's company.  I smiled from ear to ear. "That's amazing Mills! I'm so happy for you." 

Millie gasped and started rambling, "Yes, yes I know Sadie but what am I going to do now.  Noah obviously likes me and I think I like him, would we start dating? He didn't ask me out or anything, this isn't how it goes in the movies.  And what do I do about Finn?" 
I rolled my eyes and my blood started to boil. "What about Finn? This is amazing, you're not still thinking of him are you?" I asked a little too exasperatedly. 

"Well, well I've liked Finn for a long time, it's weird being interested in someone else. Plus I think he was just starting to catch feelings for me," She mumbled defeatedly, I sighed, heavy and deep. "Millie if Noah makes you happy and he wants to be with you I say just give it a chance and see what happens. I think it's time for a change."  She sighed her own gentle sigh and she knew I was right. "Thanks Sadie I can always count on you, but I have to go now my mum said she wanted to see me today and I need to get ready. Cheers, "
"Bye Mills, let me know how everyth-" I was cut off by the tone signalling she had already hung up. 

Suddenly there was a knock at the flimsy door of the trailer, a quick three knocks, I knew this was professional and not just a friend. I quickly threw on a gown and opened the door to a windswept looking assistant, "Sorry Miss Sink, the producers would like to inform you that there is going to be a staff meeting at 9 this morning and if you have any questions to please check your emails." 
I thanked her with a puzzled look and wondered what on earth the producers would need to speak to us about. 


xoxo Holly   

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