part XV

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"Jadey," I hummed in response.

"There's a party tomorrow for New Years and I was wondering if you wanted to check it out." I looked up at her, highly skeptical of the idea.

"Are you sure that's a smart move?" I asked. She nodded.

"I've been fine the past couple months, and you'll be there." Perrie said, trying to convince me, "I want to go out and spend some quality time with you,"

"That's all we've been doing in the past couple days, why do we need a party background?" I asked. She sat down next to me on the couch and handed me the cup of tea she made.

"I think it would be nice to shake it up with a party! Come on babe it'll be fun,"

"My birthday was literally four days ago, was that not a good enough party for you?" I teased. She shook her head.

"No that was fun baby but your grandma was there, you can't tell me a new years party and your birthday party are the same."

"Are you sure you think this is a good idea?" I asked again. She nodded her head. "Alright, new years party it is then,"


By the time Perrie and I arrived at the house party, everyone seemed to be there. The house was definitely filled past fire code and Perrie and I could barely push our way through everyone to find any of our friends.

"Jadey!" I heard from behind me before I was attacked in a hug. Leigh-Anne nearly brought us both down to the ground.

"Hi Leigh!" I smiled back to her once I recovered from the sudden attack.

"Perrie!" she yelled, moving on to my girlfriend and engulfing her in a hug. The girl was clearly piss drunk already, and it was only 10:30.

"Everyone is here already, come on, we're playing games in the back," Leigh practically dragged us into the backyard, quickly pushing Perrie into a game of beer pong and handed me a red cup full of god knows what. I shook my head and handed it back to her.

"I'm driving tonight," Leigh frowned back at me but took the cup and downed it for herself.

"You're always driving, are you sure it's not because you want to watch Perrie?" I shrugged. "Jade you need to let loose every once and a while, Perrie is her own person, let her do what she wants," I shook my head.

"I don't want to have to deal with the aftermath," Leigh gave me a look but decided to drop the subject, pulling the two of us into a group of people dancing.

I don't know how long we were dancing together, but eventually Leigh left to refill her drink. Not even two seconds pass and some other girl who I've never seen before fills her place next to me.

"Hey cutie," she slurred into my ear, "Are you here alone?"

"No, I'm not actually," I said back.

"Ah but your boyfriend isn't here now is he?"

"Well I don't have boyfriend, I have a girlfriend,"

"I don't see her here baby, come on and dance with mw," And with that she grabbed onto my waist and started grinding onto my ass. Before I could turn around, push her off, and not so kindly as her to fuck off, someone pulled her off of me.

When I turned around, I caught the tail end of a blonde mass of hair smacking the girl who was grinding on me right on the face.

"Perrie, stop!" I yelled, and tried to pull her back but Perrie seemed to not even notice me clinging to her back, trying to get her to away from the other girl. Perrie slapped the other girl one more time before turning to me, grabbing my wrist and storming away from the the crowed that had started to gather around the fight.



"Who the fuck does she think she is,"

"Perrie you're hurting me," She ignored me and kept dragging me by my wrist through the house full of people. "Perrie!" I yelled, pulling my wrist from her grasp, finally getting her attention. "Calm down, I'm fine, you're over reacting!" I said, rubbing my wrist a little. She stopped walking and thankfully by then we were outside where there were considerably less people around due to the cold night.

"I'm over reacting? She was all over you! I can almost guarantee you that if I wasn't there, she would have gotten you into an empty room and had you right then and there." I shook my head at her.

"Is that really what you think of me? You think I would let her do that? Perrie, I haven't had a single drink since we got here so I could keep an eye on you." I stared back at her face when I noticed something I pulled her head down to be level with mine.

"What's on your nose?" Her eyes widened and she tried to back up from me but I held on and studied her face even closer to find white powder on the rim of her left nostril.

"It's not what you think it is," She tried to reason.

"Oh so you had a powdered doughnut when I wasn't looking did you?" I said sarcastically. Perrie wouldn't meet my eyes, so I let go of her face and backed up. "You can't even admit it can you? You know what, I'm done, I can't deal with this. You yell at me every time you want your pen back and you're trying to play off the fact that you just did a line of coke somewhere. What else are you lying about?"

"J, really, I'm sorry, please think this through," She begged. Part of me wanted to apologize so we could move on, but the other part of me, the rational part of me, said no.

"I have Perrie and as much as I want to help you and as much as I love you, I can only do this for so long. I'm sorry Perrie," And with that, I turned around and walked back into the house, pushing through the crowed. Judging by the general energy of the crowed, midnight must have passed while we were arguing, and we were officially in the new year. New year new me, in more ways than one.

When I finally got back to my car, I let the tears fall, and fall they did.

It finally happened. 

AN: ... sorry 

Also, for what ever reason, I wrote this backwards? I honestly have no idea why but I just thought that was odd. Oh, and I was big dumb and I noticed I titled one of the chapters incorrectly because I'm really bad at roman numerals apparently.

stay safe, wash your hands!

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