part X

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It had been about two weeks since my emotional breakdown in Jade's car and as far as I could tell, it had been smooth sailing ever since. We had fallen into a comfortable routine of going to school, spending our lunch period together with our group of friends, heading to one of our houses to do homework, and repeat. I have to admit that the temptation of ransacking Jade's room to try and find where she hid my wax pen did in fact cross my mind, but I resisted. Jade helped me. It was like she could read when I was getting stressed or frustrated and would help me calm down.

I was also regularly attending group therapy. While I have only officially gone to 4 sessions (they meet every Monday and Wednesday), I can't say it's my favorite activity. I feel like the lady running the program was judging me every time I spoke, but the people that attended were nice enough. To make it slightly better, Jade would pick me up afterwards and we would get dinner together.

Because of this routine, I found myself at home less and less, so it wasn't really a surprise that mum stopped me while I was leaving for school one morning.

"Perrie? Can I speak to you really quickly before you leave?" she asked.

"Uh yeah, just really quickly, Jade's outside already," I said, turning to face her.

"Perrie, I know you love spending time with Jade, but you're never home. I've barely seen you and I don't think your brother or sister have had a conversation with you in the past week." my mum grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "We miss you Perrie, so for the rest of the week, I want you to come straight home, okay? Just today and Friday so we can spend time with you,"

"What about Jade," I asked.

"Jade will understand, I'll pick you up after school, Okay? Now have a good day at school." She said, and practically pushed me out the door so I couldn't argue. I took a deep breath and turned to get in Jade's car.

When I shut the door of her car behind me, Jade flashed me her beautiful smile and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe," She said, still grinning. God, I would never get tired of that smile. "Ready to go?"


"I'm just saying, if you put two pieces of bread around meat, it's a sandwich, so that must mean that a hotdog is a sandwich, okay?"

The whole lunch table shook their heads at Markus. The boy was known to say stupid shit all the time, but this one just made us slightly uncomfortable.

Jade shook her head and looked down at her plate with a smile still on her face. She picked at her grapes, before deciding to pop one in her mouth. I gave Jade a small smile and leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

"How much have you eaten today babe?" I asked quietly, so our other friends couldn't hear. Jade leaned closer to me.

"I had toast with my mum this morning and a muffin about an hour ago." she whispered back, pride lacing her words. I held up my fist for a subtle fist bump, and gave her a kiss on her temple.

"Oi lovebirds," Nathan said from his spot on the bench across from Jade, "Did you hear what Ariana asked?"

"No sorry, what's up?" Jade asked.

"Well I wanted to know if everyone was down to go to the fair on Friday, but you two were off in your own little world. Again." Ariana said with her eyebrows raised.

"That sounds fun, we're not doing anything on Friday, right Perrie?" Jade asked, turning her body to face me. I sighed.

"Well, my mum has been getting a little upset about how I haven't been around a lot for the past couple of weeks and she's making me spend time with my siblings for the next two days," Jade frowned.

"Why don't you just bring them with you?" Jade asked, "Spend time with them at the fair. Maybe just don't mention we're going to be there as well." I smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"And that's why you're the smart one."


Jade insisted she wait with me for my mum to come and pick me up, just to make sure I got home safe. After countless reassurances that I would attempt to get my mum to let me go to the fair, she gave me a quick kiss before I got in the passenger seat of my mum's car.

"Bye Jade!" Mum yelled out the window with a small wave.

"Bye Debbie! Bye Perrie!," Jade said, waving back, "Drive safe!"

"You too!" Mum yelled back, rolling up the window and starting the quick drive home.

"Hey mum I was thinking, what if Jonnie, Caitlin and I go to the fair tomorrow night? For that bonding you were talking about?" I asked after we had been driving for about 5 minutes. She gave me a sideways glance.

"Are you and your brother conspiring together? Because he literally asked me the same thing before I left to come pick you up." Thanks Jonnie.

"No, I think it's just a fun thing to do," I said, "So is that a yes?"

"If Caitlin wants to go, then the three of you can go, just keep an eye on each other, okay? No splitting up, no matter who you see." She looked at me directly again, "that includes Jade." I put my hands up in surrender.

"No splitting up, got it." I muttered, pulling my phone out of my pocket to text Jade the good news.

Jadey mum said I could go under the condition that I don't split up from Jonnie or Caitlin, so we should be good.

Less than a minute later, she responded.

Ahhh yayy! This is going to be so fun! And don't worry about the whole no splitting up thing, Jonnie and Caitlin are cool

Oh Jadey, I thought to myself, we are definitely not staying with them the whole time we are there. 

AN: Ngl I got a new keyboard and I just really like typing on it so I've been writing a lot more than normal. Plus I'm home all day so I've got nothing better to do. 

Sorry this is just a bit of a filler chapter, but the next chapter or so should have a lot of shit going down, so get ready for that. 

Also thank you to everyone who said they do in fact like this story,  it made me realize that if I bring a little enjoyment into someone's life, then I should keep writing and that's what I plan on doing. 

stay safe and wash your hands!

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