Chapter 23

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About 2 months later

Rayne just keeps greeting bigger, the family is all thrilled to have a baby around. This baby will be a loophole in the treaty because it will be a shifter and the son of Rosalie and Rayne.

Rayne goes out to the paper box and she grabs the paper. She sits beside Jasper in the den instead of returning to Rosalie in their bedroom.

"You're not with Rose?" Jasper inquires with AJ eyebrow raised.

"I want to read the paper in quietness, Jasper," Rayne says.

Jasper puts his hands up in a surrendering motion with a smirk on his face. The empath returns to his book while Rayne begins reading the paper.

"Oh, lovely," Rayne scowls.

"What?" Jasper asks as he glances at her.

"There's very some killings in Seattle," Rayne mumbles. "Looks like I will have to wait to visit my mom's grave until it dies down."

"It will," Jasper assures her. "I'm sure of it. They will catch the bad guy."

"I sure hope so," Rayne replies and Charles, her son, moves his feet across her stomach. "Really, Charles?" She grumbles. "He's mean this morning."

Jasper touches her stomach and smiles. "He likes me."

"You're not manipulating his emotions, are you?" Rayne inquires.

"What? No!" Jasper replies sharply and he stands. "I would never do that to a child. Charles will know emotion without me messing with them."

Rayne bows her head and frowns, lip trembling. "'I'm sorry."

"Rayne?" Jasper becomes worried as he hears a sniffle. "Are you crying?"

"She's hormonal, Jasper," Esme scolds. "Watch your tone with her."

Jasper quickly sits beside Rayne and he touches her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Rayne buries her emotional face in his shoulder and cries.

"I cry all the time!" Rayne rants as Rosalie pokes her head in to she what's wrong. "I don't even know why half the time anymore! I just keep crying."

Jasper looks at Rosalie, extremely uncomfortable with the crying, hormonal, pregnant woman. Rosalie smiles and she walks over, taking Jasper's place.

"Sorry, Jas," Rayne says as she looks at him. "I forgot crying women make you uncomfortable."

Jasper kisses her forehead before he goes upstairs to find Alice. Rosalie's cold hand rests on Rayne's stomach and Charles kicks her hand and Rosalie smiles in pure joy. She's going to be a mom, she is beyond excited.

Rosalie and Rayne have agreed on the names Charles McCarty Hale, after his biological, maternal grandfather and after his uncle Emmett. Emmett was excited, as expected, when he learned what Charles' middle name was going to be. He and Alana went into the woods to... Mentally disturb the animals before hunting them.

"Rayne!" Alice chirps as she flashes in. "An acceptance letter!"

Rayne sees that it's the college in Seattle she's been wanting to go to since she was fifteen. Rayne opens it and Alice is right...

"They accepted me?!" She exclaims. "This is my dream school, you guys! I've wanted to go here since I was fifteen! And I got in!" She weeps as Rosalie rubs her back. "But I can't go... I'm a mom."

"Online classes, silly!" Alice coos. "Don't you worry, I'll set it all up!"

Rayne thanks Alice before she smiles at Rosalie. "Can I go tell the pack?"

"Be careful."

Rayne kisses Rosalie lovingly before she goes to La Push. She walks in and shoved the letter in Paul's chest as he sits beside Rachel.

"Check it out!" She enthuses.

Paul rises an eyebrow in curiosity and he takes the letter out of the envelope. "So Kanu long words."

"Paul Anthony!" Rayne gasps.

"I'm kidding! I'm reading it," Paul says and he reads the letter before grinning. "Hey, you got accepted."

Rayne giggles happily. "I had to tell you, you're one of my best friends."

Paul stands and he hugs her. "Congrats, Rayne."

Charles kicks Paul violently and Paul furrows his eyebrows.

"Dude, really?" Paul says as he kneels down, Rachel giggles at her boyfriend. "I created you and you're mean to me?"

"He's been active all morning," Rayne mumbles.

Paul stands and he goes to show the letter to Emily. Rayne sits in Paul's spot and rests her swollen feed on the coffee table. She's due in another two months and her feet and ankles are wanting to swell up.

Paul returns and he pauses when he spots Rayne in his spot. He sits in the arm chair near Rachel, Rayne has dozed off with her head on Rachel's shoulder and feet propped up.

Sam walks in the house and he sees Rayne. "How long has she been here?"

"Not long," Paul states. "She came to say she got accepted into the college in Seattle."

Sam smirks. "I knew she would."

He squeezes Paul's shoulder and goes to find Emily.

When she wakes up from her cat nap, Rayne heads home and she goes to bed. Rosalie lays beside her to hold her until she pregnant siren falls asleep.

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