A Letter To My Younger Self

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Dear younger me,

You won't be prepared for half the stuff you're about to go through

But I'm here to tell you the honest truth

No matter how many mistakes you make

And no matter what people say

You have to remember no mouth other than your own can label and define who you are

The mistakes you make will turn into life lessons that will transform into newfound strength

So do not beat yourself up over every little thing

Refrain from letting yourself get buried to your mind's darkest pit

There may be a war inside your own mind and heart but you must fight it

And even when you feel like you have failed and have reached your lowest point

Please don't give up

Keep fighting because I promise you there will be better days ahead

Acknowledge and embrace the blessings all around you

And remember how much you are worth

For you are incredibly loved and appreciated and hold so much value

Even if you don't think you can love yourself right now

I promise you soon enough you will recognize the beauty you hold inside and out

So stay patient and continue growing into the woman you are becoming

For I'd say the amount of strength you'll attain is truly something

Love, Rachelle

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