December 1st

62 0 0

I remember that night like it was yesterday

We had been video calling for hours

It was past midnight and we still kept on chatting

I was turning as red as my favourite flower

For during honest hour you asked a question

You asked me to expose who my current crush was

And I panicked for this was not how I planned things

Couldn't say your name so I let out a long pause

Then I smiled and laughed and told you to try and guess

So you pulled out a yearbook and guessed every guy

You constantly kept skipping over your own name

Took fifteen minutes for you to match my mind's eye

After some deep thought, you realized it was you

And I hid in anxiety fearing your truth

Stayed out of the frame as I put up a thumbs up

But the way you handled this situation was smooth

You blushed as you let the word "cute" slip off of your tongue

And that's when I died of happiness overload

For as we continued to talk, that's when it hit me

I was about to embark on a new road

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