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I always think back to my 14 year old self. I reflect on the mistakes, tears, and trauma. All the chaos a young, once pure soul, should have never experienced. Experiencing the drama of toxic individuals at school. Deadly whispers entering my ear, travelling into my heart that sends back a message to my mind "I want to go home." My blankets and pillow sheets are my only source of physical and emotional comfort as it soaks up every single tear that drops from my eyes. Then seeking comfort from the one who's been holding my heart captive, only to later realize the boy who liked to claim having experience and maturity because of his age was not any more mature than the boys in my grade. Only to realize months after he broke my heart that he had taken advantage of a young girl who thought she knew what love was. I always think back to my 14 year old self and realize how stupid and naive I was. But I also think back to my 14 year old self and realize how much I've grown from then. 

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