My Whole Heart

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It's been six months since you passed and I still miss you more than ever

Every heartache makes me think the pain from losing you will last forever

I still regret not spending enough time with you while you were still here

Every time I reminiscence on our memories I start to shed a tear

I wish I took the time to get to know you better and learn about my roots

Like who my Chinese great-grandpa was and did he also liked mango juice

Wish I learned the story of how our last name went from Chong to Veloso

Or any other stories that I never took the time to learn and know

I miss sitting in the living room watching Jackie Chan movies with you

I miss hearing your stories about my dad when you all lived in Cebu

I miss hearing you laugh and seeing your face light up when you smile

I miss hearing about your teaching days and all about your old lifestyle

I admired how close you were to your faith and how you prayed every day

It was something I saw you do every time I passed by your doorway

I seriously miss you so much and will love you forever and always

And I'll continue to pray and keep you in my heart for the rest of my days

My VulnerabilityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ