Something you do that they love

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He loves your deductions. He found it annoying when most other people tried to deduce things about others but you were good at it. You could read people as well as him and Mycroft. You noticed things that he didn't see sometimes and he was impressed when you did. You weren't quite up there with him but you definitely weren't a goldfish. He loved your brain and how it worked. You never seemed to stop amazing him.


Ice Skating. He loved to watch you ice skate. He wasn't very good at it himself but he loved to watch you glide across the ice. You looked so graceful and calm as you spun and turned. In the winter you both would go to the rink. John would sit in the stands and sip tea as you spun around. When you got tired you would slide up to the side and he would meet you. He loved to watch your hips as they moved. He thought you looked like royalty.


Mycroft is a bit of a control freak, it wasn't bad in your relationship but at work it came out full force. However, he loved to watch you take charge of a room at work. He loved to watch you walk into a room of yelling dignitaries and calm the room. Once you walked in anyone could see that you were the clear leader. Mycroft admired this quality. He was always very proud to see you take command of the situation and steer everyone back on track. 


More than anything in the world Greg loved to make you laugh. It was one of the first things he fell in love with about you. Your laugh was infectious. He adored to see your eyes light up and your smile spread across your lips. It warmed his heart to see the joy on your face. Nothing could top that.  


Jim loved it whenever you were in combat. You were a fighting machine. Taking down people left and rights. He loved the sheer power your body seemed to weld. He loved how unstoppable you were and how he knew you could probably take him down in hand to hand combat. He was the brains and you were the muscle. The perfect team. 

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