Favorite thing to do together

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The two of you can be very cynical people and because of his deductions he can be very judgmental. But it's not always bad or mean, it can be really fun. Sometimes one days Sherlock becomes bored. You will drag him out of the house and take him to the park and people watch. You will both sit there, hand in hand, and make up backstories for people. You will make your deductions and he will make his then comparison. It is great fun, especially when you start making up wild backstories.


One of your favorite things to do with John is to pop some fresh popcorn and watch a good comedy movie. John can get incredibly stressed and besides you nothing calms him down more than a good laugh. You could sit there with him forever if the world let you. You don't need anything other than john, some popcorn, and a good comedy.


One of the best things to do in the whole world is curl up with Mycroft on the couch or in bed and read together. After the day is over you will both curl up together with some tea and just read. Mycroft used to read the dullest books in the world but you have started to pull him away from strictly politicians autobiographies and into some more interesting stories.


Greg has a busy schedule so you don't get to spend too much time with him some days. Because of this one of your favorite things to do is simply go out to dinner together. It seems trivial and small but sometimes a short dinner date is the longest you get to spend together. You treasure that time with him and the fun you both have. You are a welcome break from whatever case he is on that day. You help him relax and remember that the whole world is not evil.


On a nice day you and Jim will hop in one of his convertibles and just drive. You will listen to your favorite nineties songs and sing/scream the lyrics. You will let your hair billow behind you as Jim drives far to fast down the roads. It is the freest you and Jim have ever felt. It is your go to activity. 

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