Something they do that you love

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You loved to hear him play the violin. It was a beautiful instrument but in his hands it came to life. He told stories with it. He poured his soul into songs and you could hear every word he was trying to say. Some nights, when he couldn't sleep he would slip out of bed and go downstairs to play. You usually woke up soon after and would go down and sit in his chair and listen to him play as he gassed out the window down baker street. More often than not the soft music lulled you back to sleep. He would finish, pick you up from his chair and carry you back to bed, holding you closer than normal on those nights.


John may be overprotective but he is also incredibly sweet. He often comes home and surprises you with flowers or dinner. It is nice because he knows when you need a little extra love. If you sounded stressed about something for work or a cse he would try to cheer you up any way he could. You loved these little tokens and moments of his affection.


After a long day there was nothing better than Mycroft's cooking. He didn't cook for you all the time but when he did it was amazing. You had no idea where he found the time but at least once a month Mycroft would come home from work early and prepare a beautiful dinner for the two of you. Normally you had a cook that did this but he would give them the day off and make exquisite food. It was wonderful to have the house all to yourselves as you talked, eat, and just enjoyed each other's company.


You love when Greg gets excited about football (soccer). You are both huge football fans. There is a little pub down the road that you both go to to watch every game. You drink with your friends and make a night out of it. Your favorite park of the night is if his favorite team wins he will scoop you up in his arms and kiss you. It's always a wonderful night.


One of your favorite things was to watch Jim dance. He wasn't a particularly good dancer but he liked it and so did you. you loved to watch him jam out in your room. Whenever you walked in he would pull you into his chaotic party and make you dance with him till you were both out of breath and energy. Then you would collapse and laugh and talk till you had something you needed to get done. It was your favorite way to destress and just be with Jim.

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