Dating Greg would include:

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Sherlock deducing your relationship before you had decided to tell anyone.

Wearing his shirt to bed and around the house.

Him absolutely adoring that.

Always going down to your favorite pub to watch the football matches together.

Living for your days off together.

Donoven hating you and you not giving a fuck.

Grabbing coffee with him in the morning.

Him kind of being a coffee snob.

Ballroom dancing together at the dance hall and in your flat.

Loving it when he dips you.

Both of you being excellent listeners when the other is upset.

Cuddling when you are sad or anxious.

Him always cheering you up and making you laugh.

Him kissing you making all your worries fade away.

Saying "I love you" every time you leave each other and hang up the phone. You love the way it feels to hear him say it. Especially at night right before you fall asleep.

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