Their favorite place to kiss you

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When he is on a case Sherlock is a very focused man, he often can forget you are in a room or not notice that you have left one. It doesn't bother you too much. But no matter how focused he is he never forgets to say goodbye, and if the time frame allows he will always kiss your cheek as he runs out the door. It is his favorite place to kiss you, not only when on cases but while you are reading, cuddling, or just doing house work together. He Likes how soft it is.


John is a classic man and because of this tendency he loves to kiss your lips above all else. They are warm and inviting and he will never turn down the opportunity to hold you close and kiss your perfect lips.


Mycroft thinks your hips are the sexiest thing in the world. Whenever you are laying on your side he makes a point to kiss them. You find this incredibly sexy. On nights he is feeling adventurous, if you are laying on your side he will gently lift up your shirt and pull the waist of your pants down ever so slightly and place soft kisses on your skin. Those nights are your favorite.


Greg loves to kiss your neck. After a long day at work or chasing Sherlock around his favorite thing to do is come home and kiss you. Normally the routine will go, he will get home, take off his shoes and coat, and then kiss you. How you know it's been a bad day is after kissing your lips he will kiss down to your neck and hug you.


Your collarbone. Hands down your collarbone. He loves the little gaps for air you always do when he pulls you into his arms and kisses it. Whether it be gentle or rough he loves it and you love it. He has taken to kissing your collarbone when leaving that house rather than your lips or your cheek because he finds it more intimate. It is quite nice. 

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