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Ok I don't know if I've shared you guys with this, but my friends got me hooked on the walking dead last year (in short, we were going to go to our friends batmitsva and they've been trying to make me watch it forever so I did) and now I'm on season 3 and I'm soooooo happy this show is a show its awesome. Sometimes unrealistic, often funny (the blood and guys they use was originally ham covered in chocolate sauce), but it's cool. I'm trying to get some of my friends to post their apocalypse books on Wattpad *cough @zeeman1221 and @323Writing coughity cough cough* so we'll see about that and this is a super long runon sentence I think and I also spelled batmitsva wrong I think I don't know I don't speak Hebrew to English and soooo yeah that's all I got for this super long paragraph -- sorry if it was hard to read.

Also, I saw this picture and I was like "I wonder what episode this is in" and then I saw the episode that night

That wasn't really an xD moment but whatever.

I'm super hyper right now. That's why I'm updating so much and not making sense. Probably because Im drinking my second Sprite and its 10:44 pm.




++ps. My favorite character is Daryl++

++pps. I tried writing a fanfic where Daryl had a younger brother++

++ppss. It failed++

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