100th Chapter Celebration!!!

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Live, from Snoopy the Computer... it's the Random Rants 100th chapter celebration!!!

Here's our first guest speaker! You know her as Silivrennial, but we know her as... erm... well... Silivrennial.......... 

*Steps up onto box* *Cape blows in wind* 

Sil: "Dear Wattpadians, today we are gathered here for a very important purpose. That purpose is to celebrate the 100th chapter of this Randomness book!! *Holds up glass* *Crowd cheers* Our dear author, ThymeMachine, is here to celebrate this milestone with us. Applause!! *Claps* *Crowd claps with* Now, to celebrate!! 

*Music starts playing* *Fireworks start going off* *Plane flies by overhead* *Thranduil descends riding his elk with a parachute* *Smaug appears over mountains wearing a party hat and blowing a party blower* *Sam, Dean, and Cas appear to join the party*

*Chaos ensues*

Sil: Oh, and one more thing- *Gives ThymeMachine balloon* Congratulations, friend.

                contributed by    Silivrennial

*upbeat musical intro as next speaker walks onstage*

BJKaplan: Hey, ThymeMachine! Congratulations on 100 chapters! That's awesome!

Thranduil: *fabulously catwalks into the room* DID SOMEBODY SAY AWESOME???

BJ: *facepalms*

Thranduil: *throws glitter everywhere* NOW IT'S AWESOME AND FABULOUS *leaves*

BJ: ...I swear I didn't actually invite him.

              contributed by       BJKaplan


Merry and Pippin: *burst through the door*


Everyone: *groans*

Merry: *facepalm*


Merry: Pippin, you're not a gangster.

Pippin: Pssh, who says so?

Merry: The Universe.

Pippin: Bruh, I'm too cool for the Universe. I make my own rules.

Gandalf: I know how you feel, man. No one can tell us what to do. *puts on some shades and a cap on backwards* Peace out.

Everyone: *facepalm*

Merry: You can't be serious.

Gandalf: I'm totally serious. In fact, I'm so serious that I'm actually a gangSTAR.

Pippin: What's that?

Gandalf: It's where I look like your average gangster, but I'm actually a big ball of hot gas floating in space too. *flops down onto the ground with his limbs spread out like a star* Sparkle, sparkle dudes.


Merry: You've guys have got issues.

Pippin: Any-hoooo, congrats on 100 chapters! Here's to another million more!

Bilbo: *walks in, all flustered* WHERE ARE THOSE TWO IMBECILES?!

Pippin: *squeaks* RUN!

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