Secret Santa Sturff >~<

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Sooooo we're also doing Secret Santa at my school, and I got a fun friend but I can't say who cuz they might read this... anyway, I still don't know who got me, but I hope they're not one of the judge-y people in our class cuz I didn't know what to ask for so I asked for gift cards and TMNT action figures cuz they're cheap and stuff but now I'm kinda regretting it cuz I hate it when people tell me it's for kids. Plus it's an action figure which is also kid-ish... 😕

You know what: I don't care. They're just going to have to deal with what I want and what I like.



P.s. If anyone I personally know reads this and they know who my secret Santa is, I'd also love some mechanical pencils and gel pens. Also, I need more notebooks. ^-^

<) )
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