My Hectic Halloween

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First of all, Happy November people! I hope everyone enjoyed their extra hour of sleep last night ;)

So I had a veryyyyyyyy busy Halloween yesterday and figured I'd make a chapter about it.

So the day started with me waking up and getting ready listening to Monster Mash on a loop for like 2 hours.

Then my family and I were like half an hour late to a sort of company bonding (for my parent's work) thing at a farm. We ate some food, fed some goats, threw stepped-on apples at pigs, got our pumpkins, and almost got lost in a corn maze with my sister.

Then we got back home and started pumpkin carving. I broke a knife because the pumpkin was so thick 😂

Then we started cleaning the house AND finally putting up our halloween decorations like an hour before people were going to show up.

All in all though, it was a lot of fun.

How was everyone else's Halloween? Let me know!

~ Thyme

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