A car pulls up behind me and my dad grabbed my shoulders, "I'm begging you, run before it's too late. I need to keep you safe from afar so I don't lead them straight to you both." He kissed my temple and jogged to the car, not giving me a second glance when the fancy sports car drove off.

What the fuck just happened?

I went back to my room, got us both ready for bed, staring at pictures of Theo once again.

I should rip them up, burn them, anything to rid his face from my head. He has destroyed my dreams far too many times and became someone I feared.

Julie: I have two dresses here for you to choose from, we need to get you laid tomorrow night.

I haven't been in the real world as an adult, old enough to get drunk and party, let loose. I'm kind of excited but nervous.

I've also not had sex in months, nor do I want it.

Me: I'll pass. Maybe you should.

Julie: you are too uptight, you need a good seeing to. I'll pick you up in a cab tomorrow at seven.

I don't reply. I stick my cell on charge and roll off to sleep.

I woke through the night with a sharp pain in my chest, struggling to breathe, heart nearly smashing through my chest with the image of Theo strangling me.

It always starts the same, sweet and innocent, loving, before his eyes change to darkness and he attacks me.

I can't fucking handle it.

I've gone from missing him, wishing I'd see him, to being downright terrified of him. "Leave me alone, please." I cried into my knees, sweat beading down my neck. "I hate you."

I didn't get back to sleep, instead, I stared at the roof, contemplating my dad's words. I'm just fed up with running that I refuse to believe him.

I'm going to go out tonight, enjoy myself, get drunk and forget about everything, everyone.

Jane and Grace both agreed that Paul should keep watch, I refused until they gave in.

Julie handed me the shortest dress I've ever fucking seen, black, thin straps that rest on my shoulders and a slit up the side that just misses my thong. "I can't believe I'm going out like this."

"You're stunning!" She claps her hands, twirling me around and slaps my ass, "I love it and so will Kerr."

Say what now?

"Kerr?" I frown.

"Yeah, he is obsessed with you and..." she swipes another layer of mascara on my lashes and fixed my blonde waves, "... he's hot."

"Don't you dare. I'm not ready." I warn her and she chuckles. I follow her to the cab and take a deep breath when we stop outside a busy club.

Kerr was waiting for us at a booth inside, ordering far too many drinks, shots and when the music got louder, we lost ourselves in the music.

I felt light-headed, the flashing lights blurred around me when a hand lands on my thigh, slowly moving up. "You look beautiful, Zara." Kerr slurred against my ear. "I got you this." He handed me a drink, the other hand sliding up more.

I ignored him, batting away his hand like it was an accident, taking the glass of whatever he just gave me and emptying it in one chug. "It tastes funky," I say to Kerr, turn to Julie who has her tongue down some guys throat.

Then, Kerr tried to kiss me and I arched back, "I really appreciate it, but no." I placed both hands on his chest and pushed him away from me. He frowns at me.

"I'm going to dance," I said to whoever was listening, leaving the booth and staggering to the middle of the dancefloor.

I don't know the song that's playing. I'm still a bit rusty with the new style of music and singers, but there are no words, just a steady beat that has me swaying side to side.

I didn't even realise someone was holding my hips until I felt myself being pulled forward, hands gliding down to my ass and squeezing. "Dance on me." A knee opens my legs, asking me to grind on him.


Fucking Kerr needs to fuck off.

"No." I try to move his hands but he's tightened them, his mouth finds my neck and kisses me roughly, running up to my jaw. "Stop." I try to say but I feel weak.

I'm not too sure what he said but I heard the word leave, so I nod. "I want to go home." I slur, not understanding my own words.

A few minutes pass of pure darkness, mumbling of words from me and someone lifting me and placing me down again.

I felt my back hit something hard and lips on my mouth, a tongue trying to push through my lips.

We aren't in the club anymore and I have no idea who is pulling my dress up.

I can hear more than one person.

I don't know what happened next.


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