09 - One condition

Start from the beginning

Because of Kit, I couldn't even enjoy something I had worked so hard for. He took away the one bit of happiness I had been looking forward to for months.

What was worse was that I was mad at myself for letting him get to me. I couldn't deny that I wanted to get blown again so bad it hurt my balls to think about, and this time there was no soccer game to keep my mind distracted. There was nothing left now except the lingering exhaustion from avoiding him.

Every part of me ached and yearned for his mouth on my cock, and I didn't care when or where it happened, so long as it did.

I didn't have to go far before running into him. He was leaning against my locker and looked up when I approached. At first I wondered what he was doing wandering the halls after the game, but I realized that it was no coincidence. He was waiting for me.

"Fuck off." I growled. I tried walking past him, but he simply disobeyed and followed closely behind me. He was so shrewd it was scary. How was it he knew I was in a dangerous mood? And more importantly, how could I keep my composure?

"I just wanted to say congratulation." Kit said. "I thought you would be in a better mood."

I didn't want to respond to him because I knew I was spinning out of control. All of his bullshit was making me crazy, and I hated him for it. I hated that after all the time I had ignored him, he seemed to know right now was my moment of weakness. That right now I was irrational and confused.

There was a silence where he was obviously waiting for me to say something to him, and all I could hear were our footsteps echoing off the empty walls. Suddenly he grabbed my arm with all his might and stopped me mid-step.

And I snapped, rounding on him. Exploding with all of my repressed anger from the last week. "Don't fucking touch me." I seethed, and I shoved him as hard as I could away from me. He stumbled, knocking into a wooden door located between a set of lockers.

He wasn't even frightened, or at least if he was, he didn't show it.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

I stared at him in disbelief.

"What's wrong with me?" I repeated, my voice raising with every decibel. "You drive me fucking nuts. Telling me you love me when you don't even know me. Then you start plotting and planning..."

"I didn't plot or plan!" he objected, incredulity written right across his face. I couldn't even be happy that he was showing a new emotion. I was spiraling deeply into a rage I couldn't control.

"Don't fuck with me," I said, impossibly louder. "The whole date thing? Remember setting that entire thing up?"

He bit his lip, which brought my attention to his mouth. Fuck. My head suddenly began swimming with memories of my car. And him. And god I wished he was a girl so I could fuck him and be done with it.

"That was because you wouldn't do it any other way." he said weakly, and I was still so caught up with my anger that I didn't really even care what he had just said.

"You ruined my life." I said, finishing what I had been meaning to say all along.

His look was absolutely mortified, and for a second I thought he was going to start screaming in my face. I yearned for it, fucking finally some sort of god damn reaction. But he just straightened against the door and turned bitter. "You think you had it bad? You're Kimmon Varodom. You were made of for a week. I was made fun of every day for liking you."

Nope, didn't care. I was still letting the rage rush out of me. Feeling too good at the pent-up release.

"I can't even enjoy winning the most important game of my life because I'm too busy thinking about you and your fucking blowjob, and it's pissing me off!" Kit had been prepared to say something to top me, but it was as if my words had stopped him dead in his tracks. "I'd rather get made fun of every day than spend one more minute thinking about you." I finished.

[MingKit/KimCop] Obsessed: Power TripWhere stories live. Discover now