6.played like an electric guitar

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  Leo's POV(cont.)

The pounding of my feet against the railway tracks echoed throughout the otherwise still and isolated tunnel. My breath was ragged and my feet were killing me, but I couldn't afford to spare myself a shred of leniency. My empty stomach made matters worse, and I could feel my head beginning to throb as a result.

  Come what may, I had to find y/n.

It was as if it was my fault for her disappearance. I blamed myself for not looking out for her more. Maybe if I'd been more of a ninja and not some air-headed, lovestruck-


Lovestruck?  No...I didn't think of her like that.

Shaking the thought out of my head, I sped up my pace and decided to focus on the more pressing matter at hand. Was she kidnapped? Who would kidnap y/n? And why?

"To get back at you." The pesky voice in my head chanted.

Unfortunately, the possibility of something like that happening was incredibly high. After all, we did have our enemies, and taking y/n in as a hostage would complete the mousetrap.

With every cell in my body, I hoped against all hope that it wasn't the case. Because then everyone I knew and loved would have their lives at risk. Including me.

The entrance to the lair was in sight. I pressed on, turning the corner and yelling,

"Guys! Where're my Katanas?! We need to go!"

I stopped at the foot of the stairs,looking down at an empty living room, the TV left on and comics scattered across the floor.

Did they leave?

I heard a burst of laughter from the kitchen. Dinner wasn't over yet, I suppose.

  "Oh man, he's gonna go crazy when he's back."
Came Mikey's shrill voice.

  I jogged towards the kitchen door and flung it open,giving them a piece of my mind:

"Guys! Quit fooling around. We've got to go and-

Your POV

There he stood, at the doorframe, his eyes and mouth frozen wide open in an expression of complete shock. His eyes burnt a hole through me, staring me down. A heavy silence enveloped the room and tension was evident in the air. I glanced around at his brothers who refused to make any eye contact whatsoever.

Mere seconds ago we were laughing and talking, with Mikey keeping us entertained with his tricks. Raph poked fun at him while Donnie filled me in on how things happened at the lair- their training, meal and free times.

I had also been introduced to Master Splinter, who took great interest in my love for Taekwondo.

"Same, same. But so very different." He had said,stroking his beard, and then strutting off to meditate.

Everything about tonight was so strategically planned- the text, me sneaking out of my window to meet Donnie,the note,him leading me to the lair while Leo was gone. Internally we had all expected Leo to come back, surprised with my appearance, and to join in the fun.

No one expected him to arrive, tight-lipped and brows furrowed. No one expected him to look so pissed off, just like he did now.

  He dominated the doorway, now standing arms crossed and glaring at us.

"W-what's up, bro?" Mikey said weakly.

Leo opened his mouth to say something. He decided to stop himself and sighing, he turned away and begun walking towards the rooms.

  I waited for the sound of a door to be slammed shut in rage, but nothing other than silence prevailed.

  "Guys. He's mad angry." Mikey concluded.

  A huge pang or guilt settled in my stomach. All this, because of me.

  "He's just being overdramatic." Raph scowled, standing up from his seat. "I'll go talk to him."

"No, let me. It's my kind of my fault." I said.

Shrugging, Raph sat back down.

I walked towards the rooms, stopping outside the door that had Leo's name on it. Knocking gently, I whispered, "Hey. y/n here. Can I come in?"

It was a few minutes before the door swung open. Leo stood at the side and tilted his head, inviting me in.

I walked past him, and sat nimbly down on the edge of his bed.

"I'm sorry."

He didn't answer.

"I shouldn't have went behind your back." I tried again.

"You don't know how scared I was." He folded his arms, turning away from me.


"I thought you were different. I thought you were the type of person who would think twice. I should've known when you shamelessly insisted on meeting me after your near encounter with death. Like what kind of sensible person would-"

"What??" I demanded.

"You just don't get it, do you?!" His voice rose as he turned around to face me. Fire danced in his pupils as he continued, "I put my entire family at risk for you. I thought you had been taken away. I was filled to the brim with worry! Not that you care. No, you and my brothers decide to mess around. And here I was thinking that you understood me!" By now he was practically yelling.

"I said I'm sorry, Leo!" My voice shook with rage and misery.
It was so unfair. I wanted the best for him.

"I need to go and meditate." He muttered, massaging his temples and marching out of the room, leaving me by myself.

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