object of affection

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A/N: oh are u fangirls in for a treat. tw slight nsfw. want to perfect the serious nsfw scenes before i give you those so.


The next day my mind fought my body once more. I had gone to sleep that night, the memory of Leo and the moon replaying in my head like a broken recorder. It had officially been five and a half weeks without seeing him, and three weeks without communicating whatsoever. All my messages to him were left on delivered, and I was wondering if all of it was just an awful fever dream and if I was losing it. The one thing I knew for sure was that I had to go to class that day, because I had absentmindedly left some stuff there before rushing home ashamedly.

I looked in the mirror and poked at my skin. My skin looked dry, flaky and dull and my hair had lost a bit of its sheen. I wasn't hydrating or eating well these past few weeks, so I couldn't even be surprised.

I took a steaming shower and changed, heading for a kitchen to grab some breakfast before leaving the house.

"Hey kid." Dad said when he saw  me. "God, y/n you don't look so great."

I glared at him.

"I'm worried about you, y/n. Maybe this college thing is taking a toll on you. Why don't you find something else to do before school starts in a few weeks?"

I considered it.

"Maybe I will, actually.


After class, I stepped out of the auditorium, looking forward to grabbing takeaway from Murakami's and settling into bed to binge another romcom. Just as I was leaving a familiar voice called my name.

"Y/n! One sec!" Eric strolled up to me, grinning broadly.

"Eric, hi! I'm sorry but I'm kind of in a rush." I said, knowing my white lie was not very convincing but it was the best one I had, especially because I was still reeling from embarrassment from the previous day.

"Oh, no problem. I'll walk with you." He smiled.

We walked out to the sidewalk, the air heavy with awkwardness.

"So..."  he said.

"So." I quipped.

"Listen, I took down some notes for you. The parts you missed from yesterday." He said, digging into his bag and pulling out a few sheets of paper.

"Oh, I won't be needing those, but thank you."

He squinted at me, evidently confused.

"I'm probably not going to attend this course anymore. Accounting isn't exactly my forte."

"Oh. What a shame." He put the papers back in his bag.

"Don't look so crestfallen!" I laughed, punching his arm jokingly.

"No, no, it's just-"

Just then a thundering sound made us jump. Fat, heavy water droplets began splattering all around.

"Oh shit." Eric said, fumbling his papers. "I don't have an umbrella."

"It's okay, we can-"

He immediately shrugged off his leader jacket, revealing a white shirt that was neatly tucked into well fitting jeans, his outfit hugging his well-toned physique. He put the jacket over me, shielding me from the rain, and nodded towards a bustop opposite the road. We ran for the shelter, papers strewing behind us, our clothes getting slightly drenched regardless.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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