11. the lair

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We drove in silence for what felt like eternity. I got out my phone, which now had a few cracks running across the screen protector from the earlier scuffle. My earpiece was lost, and I sighed in exasperation. Looking out the van, I saw we were underground and were driving alongside abandoned railroad tracks. Warning signs lined the concrete walls. If this was the the turtle's lair, it certainly seemed like a force to be reckoned with.

"Y/n..." Donnie broke the silence "what on earth were you doing in such a sketchy neighbourhood? We thought you were at April's."

I looked at Leo, who was behind the wheel, now parking the van and avoiding eye contact. But he was listening, all right. Very intently.

"I.. I was just on a run."

"At this time?!" Leo turned the engine off and swivelled the seat to face me "Are you out of your mind?!"

The sheer force and anger with which he said it shocked me. That shock grew into irritation. I couldn't believe he was pinning the blame on me. This was no one's fault, and to accuse me of getting in the way was so unfair.

"Can't I take a run in my own city?!" I shot back angrily. "Are you saying this is my fault, Leo? Well, sorry for not knowing you'd be there! Sorry for sabotaging your mission!"

Leo's eyes narrowed. He stood up and marched out the van without a word.

"Wow, rage-quitting is more Raph's thing." Donnie sighed.

"Look, he's probably just stressed out." Raph said soothingly, which surprised me a little. Who knew he could be so gentle?

The three led me inside the lair. I barely took in my surroundings, before falling onto the couch in exhaustion.

A large figure emerged from a sliding door and walked steadily over to where I lay, towering over me. I looked wearily at his face. A snout, whiskers, and fur.Of course, Master Splinter.

As usual, he radiated an energy that seemed to demand great respect, and I felt compelled to stand in order to show it. But my body betrayed me, and I only managed to prop myself into an upright seated position.

"Y/n" he said firmly but kindly. "I understand tonight has been a traumatic experience for you. Please accept our invitation to stay here until it is safe to return to your home. Please let me know if you need anything."

I staggered to my feet and bowed out of respect.

"Thank you Master Splinter" I replied weakly.

"Please rest. We will discuss this in the morning." He gently lowered me back onto the couch, before stepping back and disappearing behind the doors.

"Hey dudette!" Mikey chimed. "You can sleep in my room if you find it more comfy. It's the best room!"

"No, it's fine Mikey. I just want to pass out here right now."

Mikey nodded understandingly and rushed to get blankets, water, and his teddy bear "in case I got lonely at night".

"Mikey, you're the best." I smiled, snuggling into the blankets.

Mikey wished me goodnight. So did Raph and Donnie. No sign of Leo. I felt my heart ache, but shoved my feelings aside. If this is how he wanted to be, fine.

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