Tbh I really dont know

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I didn't bother to edit so might have bad corrections lol stay hawt!!

Mary p.o.v
After I hung up with Alexa I told shawn she said yes, he got super happy so everyone came from downstairs and we started watching Annabel.

I hate that movie so much it scares me. I can't even watch the commercial without being scared so I cuddled up to Shawn.

The creepy part was coming and I was hiding my face in Shawn's chest he smelled good

Shawn-thx princess

Me-did I say that out loud

Shawn-ya u kinda did

Me-we'll U do


After about an hour the movie ended and it was about 1 so we were all super bored. But before we slept,of course played truth or dare.

Taylor-Mary truth or dare


Taylor-do u like shawn??

I blushed I like shawn but I don't want him to know I do


Taylor-I dare u to answer my question

Me-ugh ....yes

After I said that I ran upstairs and sat In the corner and just looked out the window. OMG  what if I just ruined our friendship, I hope it didn't change anything.

I was sitting down and starring out the window when Cameron came upstairs,

Cameron-aw u guys would be cute you know be likes u too

Me-what if I just ruined our friendship Cameron

Cameron-call me cam and don't worry it will work out u guys like each other so nothing to worry about

Me-Thanks Cam

Cameron-of co.--beep beep

Cameron got a message and I looked over his shoulder to find the name Rebecca.

Me-oh cam who's Rebecca

Cameron-just a friend and snoop much don't u think

Me-ur blushing stupid make it any more obvious

Cameron-am I really?!?! We'll I like her but I don't think she likes me back though

Me-don't worry she likes you, your a great guy. Just show her that ur a great guy.

Cameron-Are u sure??I don't  want to sound desperate

Me-ya I'm sure don't worry I'm always here for u.

Cameron-thx let's go downstairs





Me-YES,shit u got me there, fine but if one of them tease shawn or I ,I'm coming up here

Cameron-don't worry I'll stand up for u.

Me-thx cam and don't worry Rebecca does like u just reach out to her.

Cameron-thx Mary Bary that means a lot ❤️😊


Cameron noticed I didn't get up so he lifted me up, took my downstairs while I was hitting his back.



I kept hitting his back until he put me down all eyes were on me. I just looked down and said nothing.

Cameron- Okay where were we

Taylor-ya it's Mary's turn

Me-I'll pass

Cameron-okay fine umm Jacob truth or dare...

The rest I just ignored,I didn't feel happy bec I don't think he likes me. Shawn hasn't said one word to me after I admitted that I liked him. I couldn't take it so I just went upstairs,Taylor followed.

Taylor-I'm sorry about that dare I didn't mean to make u feel awkward I was just having fun.

Me-thx for the apology

Taylor-don't worry he likes u.

Taylor then walked downstairs an left me on my own to think.


Hey guys so I just got a new phone so I might update more often and give me some advice on this story I didn't really work super hard on it bec it sucks but comment, vote and read stay beautiful Luv ya all

-vena ❤️😘

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