Thank god offff

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Mary p.o.v

I was washing up from being sprayed with water all over and shawn walked in the room.

Shawn-srry I let them spray u it just was to funny I had to

Me-it's okay handsome I had fun thank god I led my phone inside or I wouldn't have been talking to you right now!😂😂

Shawn-it's okay u know u love me

Me-ehh I'll get back to u on that😊😂

Shawn-hey ur mean

Me-thanks babe I love u too

Shawn-hah anyways it's getting late and the boys are going to sleep let's go I'm getting tired too.

Me-okay lemme go wash off my makeup and throw on shorts I'll meet u in the bed.

Shawn-sounds good

I was washing off my makeup and changing and just in bed next to shawn he put his arm around my waist

Shawn-good night princess

Me-good night peasant😂😂

Shawn-I'm to tired to fight back I'll let that slide

Me-I love you shawn good night

Shawn-I love u more night

I laid there for about 10 minutes until I crashed into a deep sleep in Shawn's arms..

I woke up to see darkness I was tied against a chair and my eyes were covered I tried calling for help no answer where am I??

Chris-did u think u would never see me again ha princess we'll suprise suprise did u miss me

Me-you bastard son of a gun what do u want from me

Chris-I love you princess and I always have

Chris moved closer to me and pulled the cover off my eyes he grabbed me and cuffed me to a bed.

Me-plzz Chris don't hurt me

Chris-I would never hurt u right now

Me-plzz Chris PLZZZ

Chris-I may not hurt u but good luck trying to get out girly get confy you'll be here for a while.


Hey guys srry haven't wrote anything in a while I was SUPER BUSY my birthday is in a week and I have been doing a lot of new things anyways I'll be updating as much as I can stay beautiful love you all


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