Chapter 1

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Mary POV

Ugh I hate how my sister is making me come with her to a Shawn Mendes concert and well honestly I don't see any Interest in a new teenage celebrity that became famous off of Vine. I don't really have a choice though, it's either I go with her or she gets stuck home and gives me an attitude for the rest of my life. So here I am walking in the back alley trying to find my sister when....

Shawn POV

Me- "Thank you everybody!! Have a good night"

After a long night of singing and cheering the concert finally ended which means time for some alone time. The tour is finally over and it's time for a break.

I walked down the staircase that led to the back door towards the alley exit. I pushed open the door. Before I knew it

Me-"oh shit, are you okay?? Do u need some medical attention??"

I can't believe I just hit a girl in the face with the door!! Can I be anymore reckless than that??I look down at the girl and see her open her eyes after rubbing her head.

The girl(Mary)-"What happened?? Where am I?? Hold up aren't you Sha-"

Me-" hey keep it down please. What are you doing back here?This is a restricted

The girl (Mary): "Well excuse me Mr. Popular, I came here to pick up my sister from your little irrelevant and stupid concert. So excuse me if I don't sound stoked to see you, I'm not exactly what you call a fan."

Me- "Well that hurts, way to sugar coat it."

Mary POV

After I answered Shawn with that rude remark, I felt kinda of bad considering he didn't do anything on purpose. It was just my pain talking.

Me-"I didn't mean for that to come out the way it did. I'm not gonna say that your terrible, your music isn't too bad. I mean I do listen to it so I can't say it's awful. Anyways, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Mary"

Shawn- "Nice to meet you Mary and well you already know who I am. Moving on, let me get you some ice for that bruise. I'm truly sorry about that, people don't usually hang out in the alley."

Me- "Oh it's okay, it was unintentional. Alright, it was nice to meet you Shawn, I have to go find my sister now that your concerts over."

I finally stood up from sitting on the floor, but before I could blink once more, I lost my balance and was waiting to feel the ground beneath me....

Instead I fell into a pair of warm muscular hands. I turn my head a little to see Shawn holding me up.

Shawn-"Woah there Mary, you aren't too stable. Let me go get you some ice just to be safe."

Me-"No really it's okay, I can take care of myself."

Shawn-" I know you can, but I want to. After all, it is my fault your in this mess."

Before I could reject the offer again, Shawn sped off go get me ice. While he was getting the ice, I texted my sister Alexa and explained everything. I told her to meet me over here in the back alley and to come alone.

Alexa-"DUDE!! You have be going nuts, you did not meet Shawn Mendes in person before me. Never in a million years man. NEVERRRRR, I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT!! Wait hold on, are you okay?? Do you need a doctor maybe??"

Me-" I'm okay just a little dizzy and when I tried to stand I sorta fell again, but I'm okay. I don't need a doctor."

Alexa-"Good, you can catch a cab than. Justin (Alexa's Boyfriend) just called me and says he needs me at the house now and well I don't knowing what for so just catch a cab and come home."

Me-" Alexa, you've got to be kidding me. I just fell on my head and your going home to your boyfriend? Whatever, just go."

Alexa-"Sorry baby sis, but he needs me now and plus you said that your okay and you don't need a doc. Anyways I'll see you at home, bye!!"

As much as I love her, Alexa can be a pain at times. I wanted her to come pick me bec it's late and well I don't want any pervs picking me up that's for sure. Before I could think further about my situation, Shawn came back with a small bag of ice.

Shawn-"Hey, I got you some ice, are you feeling a little  better?? Im sorry again about hitting you with the door. I didn't think any fans or anyone would be here, that's why I always exit from the back at every concert."

Me-"It's okay, really it's no big deal. Anyways, thanks for the ice, but I have to catch a cab before im out of luck. Thanks for everything have a good night."

Shawn-"A cab?? This late?!! Are you crazy? I'll take you home don't worry."

Me-"Oh no really, I'm fine I got it all by myself. Your a busy guy doing lots of busy things. Thanks for the offer."

Shawn-"No it's okay, this is my last show of the tour. Plus it's not a offer, it's more of an order. Don't worry I got you, Now let me carry you to my car it's out back and you still haven't been able to stand on your feet exactly."

Me-"Well I can't deny it, thank you for all your help. You aren't as bad as I thought🙃."

Shawn-"It's no problem and well thank you I guess haha."

Shawn then pulled one arm around my back and the other under my knees and carried me to his car. I then laid my head down on his chest, wow.... He smells heavenly for someone who I didn't see much interest in.

Me-"Are you sure I'm not heavy?? Bec you can out me down, I won't be offended."

Shawn-"Are you nuts?? Your lighter than a teddybear Mary. Don't worry about me, you focus on the pain."

I then smiled and laid my head back down on his chest. He isn't the soiled beat that I thought he was. He's more of a small town guy who's looking to help whoever he can and well that doesn't sound to bad at right?? He's actually a great guy and well.... I'm actually growing to have a sweet spot for Shawn, but we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens next...


HEY FELLOW LLAMAS!! It's Vena here from 2016. (This book was published in 2014) anyways I just wanted to say that I'm updating and editing this book as much as possible. I wrote this book back when I didn't know a lot about writing. Now, I have more experience and I'm hoping to upgrade my vocabulary more. Anyways love you guys so much!!

Stay beautiful❤️❤️


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